About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Monday, January 29, 2018

WTF is for What's That Flying . . .

. . . thing? Is it a bird, is it a 'plane, no it's . . . what the FUCK !??!

I dunno! You tell me! Clearly it's some kind of windmill novelty? It's big, about five/six inches and nothing seems to happen when you manipulate the toggle/button thing which is exiting the feet?

The wings are dense craft-foam, held on with shaped-paper over-stickers, and the arms are hanging loose, so another pointer to its being broken, or having a jammed mechanism or missing launcher? It was 50p, so I'm not losing-sleep over it!

There's no clue to brand or maker on the model, just "TM & © DC Comics (s13)"

Now - someone out there must know more, but for now - WTF?


Terranova47 said...

A bizarre object but a nice sculpt of the 50's Superman.

Hugh Walter said...

That's in part why I grabbed-it, it really does look like the comic original . . . or even Mr Reeves!


Spectrum said...

Hey Hugh,

Cannot recall the manufacturer but the idea is like the old rack toy pull string helicopters. The figure mounts on a hand held launcher, you pull the ripcord and the figure takes off then rotates back to Earth like a sycamore seed (almost!)there is by the way, a Batman figure as well.


Hugh Walter said...

Cheers Spectrum! I'm giving you 11 imaginary points out of 10, but not until later in the week! Don't tell Brian!