
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

W is for Wasps Nest [Leather Jackets]

The most beautiful architecture, Rogers and Foster; eat your hearts out. Sadly, as soon as I'd taken this photograph I sprayed the whole nest with Foaming-wasp-nest-Armageddon in a can stuff...I'll report back when I have the balls to go back up there and see if any of them a still alive.

Cowardice in this instance being the better part of valour, as they had already survived a can or two of non-foaming-instant-waspicide in a can stuff...and several hard frosts!


  1. Neat blog following wasps always scare me lol

  2. Good Day,
    I was happy to read that you hate ignorance and love kittens, but I feel sad you had to harm wasps... Maybe they are sometimes annoying [or maybe you have someone allergic in your home?], but I always feel sad in such situations. I understand that moving the nest would be impossible.., but.. well...

    I just wanted to say "hallo" and thank for your pages and it's a good thing to know that there is still some people on this world who can think and.. are collecting toys. Especially Toy Soldiers. Regards from Poland.

  3. Hi Both

    Sorry I missed your coments, I do sometimes, the eMail notification fails...but I always try to answer posts, so hoping you're still following...

    Thanks for the comments, and for visiting.

    I deliberately waited 'till the depths of winter, so there would only be a few workers and a hibernating queen, to do as little damage to Mother Nature as I could, but even then they were awake and taking an interest, and they do find their way down the wall's and pop-out from fireplaces and things, they had to go and it was relatively quick.



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