
Monday, July 2, 2012

R is for Red Route

When I saw this I had to have it, not because it's a perticularly nice toy, nor is it in good condition and it's not military, but it does seem to be the origin of the logo used by the Hong Kong producer known as ABC.

ABC was - it seems - a US trucking company who sought protection of the 'Route of the Red Diamond' tag-line in 1977, but who are long gone now, although - due to 'phone-book placing, there are currently several ABC trucking concerns about the place!

The logo is clearly the same as the HK 'ABC' toy concern (seen; Here), although this was made in Japan, and is a 'transitional' piece from tin-plate (motor and tilt) to plastic (body and wheels), going very well with the Wells Brimtoy trucks of the same era.

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