
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

F is for Follow-up...Hasbro Star Wars Command

Go on then Hasbro...prove me misinformed - five minutes after I publish!

New Sets Announced

Two big figure sets for 2016...I'll wait 'till they're reduced!

See following 5 posts for significance! But they seem to be bulked re-hashes of existing figures?

2020 - needless to say they failed to prove me wrong (proving me right by default!) and the range sputtered and failed a few months later. :-(


  1. You gave us some nice coverage though. You have a very nice collection here.

  2. Thanks Jan, I nearly didn't run the posts at all, I don't really rate the stuff, it's nice enough, but hardly a comprehensive range so far and there's millions of pages on them out there in the ether, I just wish someone would give one of these series a better chance!



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