
Sunday, October 30, 2016

V is for Very Small

But not as small as the Noch N-gauge cats and dogs, or some of Preiser's own birds! A lovely little set this; I can't remember where I got it but it appears mint, and it has the new numbering. You can't possibly collect everything by a company like this so I used to just hoover it up when it was cheap, or I had more 'disposable wealth'! Usually at shows or auctions, often as bulk lots.

Obviously meant - like most of the animal sets - for the circus dioramists/collectors, these could be caged in one of the trailers as part of the day-time visitors 'mini zoo' outside the big top, or they could be arranged to clown with the err . . . clowns, or do a tea-party thing - which would involve throwing cups of water and banana sandwiches around, not a right-wing push (putsch?) against democracy in the 1770's . . . or 20-teens!

"I claim this piece of Jungle for the Great White Queen Bonobo"! Said Victorian Chimp after the musket smoke had cleared . . . as he stabbed a still groaning local with the flag-pole he had brought along specifically for the claiming of stuff.

I can take the piss out of my lot too, all humans are pretty vile, incapable of improving much beyond the point we're at now, and why should we? We're only dumb, curious monkeys!

I clearly need an extra hours sleep - looks at calendar . . . WTF! Missed it!

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