
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I is for Itlerpud - Part Two; Pirates of the Caribbean

Zizzle - having one of the main licenses - are responsible for various Pirate's of the Caribbean figure sets from the small ones we looked at here ages ago through a set of 60/70mm figurines on bases which are scenic (bits of ship's deck, piles of rope; that sort of thing) to full-on 'action figures' in different sizes and points of articulation, but they also produced the figures we're looking at here.

These are they, and they are not easy to find, I only have the six; bought expressly for ITLAPD "Aa'haarr!", despite looking-out for them for several months and it's clear there should be more, Googling them briefly only lead to vague mentions in passing on forums dedicated to the larger action-figures. The important thing is they are a reasonable 54/60mm in size, making them compatible with older figures.

Moulded in a medium-dense PVC vinyl rubber, they are only painted to what I would call an OK level and all seeming to be from the third movie (?), the one with Davy Jones Locker (Davy Jones himself being the 'lobster claw') and all the monster crew-men, anyway!

Quite apart from the fact that obvious figures are missing including Jack Sparrow; the anti-hero of the movies, another thing that points to a larger set are the strange animal silhouettes on the bases. I have no idea as to their meaning, a couple are realistic, a couple simplified and one (the mouse) cartoonish? Could there be an accompanying card-game, or some other parallel collectable of some kind?

Aa'haarr! Morrre in a while, me arrrtieees!

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