
Friday, September 22, 2017

OBE is for Other Bugger's Efforts!

As opposed to MBE : My Bloody Efforts

Even briefer than yesterday's post, but worth a punt I hope you'll agree, I took this shot years ago, I mean about ten years ago and they were in the stock of Plastic Toy Soldiers (PTS52 on evilBay).

The original is on the right, to the left are three home paints, probably from three artists and while clearly one is a straight Khaki transposition and the other wearing a tropical jacket (?), the third - on the far left - is beyond my limited 'Uniforminfo' skills! Is he a Gurkha? Were they shoved into kilts at some point?

Anyway, they make a nice group and hopefully will give people who paint-up rare'ish figures some ideas, there's just the finding of the figures to be done first!

Throwing this up here as a WTHIT*. I used (as a small scale collector) to think this was a scale down of the Britains Floral Garden Folk's teenage boy, but it's not, It's more like a reverse of the Hornby Hobbies diminutive PVC purple-shirted hippy sitting on the grass.

It's about 35/40mm and might be from a set of O-gauge figures (but I haven't encountered the rest of the 'set' if it's out there), so could he be a die-cast vehicle accessory, or from a kit (he's polystyrene), does anyone recognise him?

* What the hell is it?!!


  1. The grey uniform with green facings looks like the London Scottish Regiment.

  2. The seated gentleman has some very fine detail, but looks like he may be in need of a pint or two.

  3. Cheers Brain . . .Paul M beat you by 15 hours! Thanks Both!

    Jan - he looks like he should be holding something and a beer would fit the bill nicely!



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