
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

F is for Follow-up - Nibariki

I still haven't looked these up on the wibbly wobbly way, but I have picked-up another, I assume it is connected to the little girl running gaily through the skull-strewn medow we looked-at the other day, but it might be another Anime / Manga thing altogther?!

The new addition is basically two sort-of-Moomins, with short-to-no-legs sitting on an upturned toadstool while a little black worm burrows out of it's umbrella, if it is related to the other Nibariki item I really want to find out more about it because Moomin-likeies  and skull-strewn meadows are a pretty off-the-wall mash up!

Four views turning anti-clockwise from the left; that's it, follow-up!

PS 1 - They are called Totoro from Studio Ghibli {straight into the tag list and we'll return to them when I know more}

PS 2 - While uploading, or at approximately the same time I can report Brian Berke has eMailed me something equally esoteric I still have to process - I was going to add it to the bottom of this post, but the sky's gone dark-orange (Caribbean sand?) and I must get back to check if we still have a chimney as the remains of some oh-no-not-human-caused-global-climate-change-related-storm-and-that's-a-Donald-fact hits the British Isles! Ironic; we only started naming our storms a couple of years ago and already we're adopting someone else's - out of sequence . . . still, look on the bright side, if it didn't have hundred-mile-an-hour winds it would have taken AGES to get here!

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