
Saturday, October 21, 2017

P is for Pull-cords!

These (or at least the Humpty Dumpty type) were nearly added to the other esoteric stuff the other day, but I didn't have time, and I was lucky I just downloaded them and took them home; as the contributor (Brian Berke) sent some more a few days later; so they can have a post to themselves!

Is it a loo-chain or a light-switch cord? Is it Humpty Dumpty? These questions and others aren't going to be answered here, today! But they are fun, figural and one-dollar-forty-nine-cents each - Bargain! They look to be a poured polyurethane-resin?

A puppy, another Humpty Dumpty sculpt (with kippah or yarmulke), rabbits (or hares? Easter?), an elephant, a herd of moose and what looks to be a side of roast-chicken! They're all $1.49, it's a plethora of bargains.

I'm guessing they are designed to be held through the tire-hole; of course it will be a tyre-hole if it turns out you can get them this side of the pond, but I haven't seen them anywhere.

Closer to home and not for sale (because they are in use!) are these three, two vintage wooden acorns, one in boxwood - with rubber o-rings to stop it chipping the paintwork- and the other in stained pine with a rubber-band attached for the same job along with a ceramic cat I bought in a gift shop in the Channel Islands about ten years ago.


  1. What looks like the side of a roast chicken is a puppy's butt.

  2. Hahahahahah! Of course it is - it's to the left of the mooses...meece? Lucky I wasn't a detective, we'd be knee-deep in serial killers who got off on a technicality!



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