
Monday, January 1, 2018

B is for Beautiful!

Brian Berke sent these last week while I was having problems with an Internet connection, they are this Christmas's window display at Scully & Scully (sooner than I thought we'd return to them - They've overtaken their brethren in the queue!) in New York; I'll let Brian's pictures tell their own story.

Whitemetal/pewter, professionally painted, gorgeous, gorgeously-painted 'Nuremburg' or Kulmbach style flats.

They really are lovely, thanks - as always - to Brian for grabbing the shots, and getting them to the blog for Christmas.


  1. The first shot is a silver plated Nativity Scene, the opposite to the plastic Charlie Brown, Peanuts set earlier in the holiday. Happy New Year!

  2. Cheers Terra . . . I get the distinct impression you wern't too enamoured of the Peanuts nativity? I Know where you're coming from and shall we say - diplomatically - it was very 'American'!

    Happy New Year!



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