
Friday, January 19, 2018

S is for Shelfies 2 - Imperial (Walmart)

Brian B was also busy after Christmas with the shelfie-habit and managed to shoot these, and I'm very pleased to see stocks of them are still out there, as I tried to buy two of the three sets earlier in the year and found myself dealing with an idiot! Surface to say by the time I didn't get them, the seller had reimbursed me three times and invoiced me twice more!

Imperial, the US jobber is currently (was  recently?) shipping these in from China, and while the 'army men' are the same ones we looked at twice back in August and have also looked at on other occasions here at SCW - being the Tim Mee cold-war warrior, GI-clones, the other figures are less common takes on cavemen, ninjas, pirates and zombies.

While the 'Zombie Responders' are another source for other-colour copies of Tim Mee's. And it would seem that while we know the GI's come in a bunch of poses, the other four appear to have more limited sculpt-counts?

Ninja's versus pirates, what can go wrong?!! Quite a lot actually, the ninjas would presumably win, but they need to melt-away into the night and it's not easy to melt-away into the night on 70-tons of oak waiting for a breeze, so that leaves . . . the Marie Celeste!

I think I'm right in saying I've seen these for sale in bulk on Amazon or Alibaba as capsule toys and they also came in long 'toobs' 45 vs 45 figures.

Imperial cave-men versus army men, 15 figures each, one lot armed with semi-automatic assault weapons, the other with rudimentary rock-wheels and err . . . .rocks! Even less even-handed than the last lot, but we know that in the B-movie it would seem altogether more balanced with a cliff-hanger every 15-minutes just before the 'message from our sponsors' which is where the kids heads are supposed to be at!

Hay, call it cynicism but people get whole repeat series' commissioned out of M16-owner's failures to deal with the slow, shambling, bits-falling-of, undead!


  1. If you can track them down Jan - they're no longer listed on the Imperial site as current stock, so these will be old clearance?



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