
Friday, March 2, 2018

News, Views etc . . . Herne is 25!

Snow has cancelled today's activities, but I don't have my Laptop on me, so just a quickie . . .

Don't forget Sandown Park is still happening tomorrow, and a thaw should set-in overnight, but drive carefully anyway!

I've had a quick reminder myself, from Peter of the . . .

45. deutsche Kunststoffigurenbörse (25 Jahre Jubiläum) 18.03.2018 in Herne

Which I will flesh out in the week, but it's been 25-years of shows, where does the time go?

1 comment:

  1. Can the Herne show really have been going for 25 years? I went over for the first two years and keep meaning to go again, how has 23 years just slipped away!


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