
Friday, June 15, 2018

T is for There Goes the Neighbourhood!

Picked this up for next-to-nothing (yeeup! Charity shop) the other day, it's got toys in it, but isn't about collecting them, so just a brief over-view.

It looked like another in the Warren Elsmore series but is actually written by brothers (or at least I assume they must be brothers, otherwise it would be a hell of a co-incidence!) Brian and Jason Lyles. It's nicely put together using the Lego-likey instruction schematics which you can generate yourself on some Lego sites.

The best bit it the use of SNOT (studs not on top) techniques to great effect in the producing of fascia detailing on models otherwise build the way we did as kids - from the ground up! The little Lego-minifig 'mini-me's' of the two brothers could get wearing though, and text is kept to a minimum, simple, and aimed at the complete novice.

Step-by-step's are included for ideas and there is a gallery of other buildings the authors have completed, along with sections showing you how to build the US-style 'city-block' corner's four buildings - along with alternate fascias for one of them. Worth a punt if you liked Hestair Kiddycraft's construction bricks!

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