
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

B is for Box-ticking - WWII Russians - Crescent

2019 will be the year of 'Box Ticking'; posting stuff you're familiar with, or has been published previously elsewhere, which having been in storage since the 'big purchase'/for ages, nevertheless need to be posted here; to fatten the tag-list results, with the output of the commoner brands, lines or ranges.

East'ies yesterday, Brit's today . . .

54mm Figures; 54mm Russians; 54mm Toy Soldiers; Crescent 54mm Troops; Crescent Russian Infantry; Crescent Russian Toy Soldiers; Crescent Soviet Infantry; Crescent Soviet Russians; Crescent Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Plastic Soldiers; Vintage Plastic Toys; Vintage Russian Infantry; Vintage Toy Figures; Vintage Toy Soldiers; WWII Plastic Toy Figures; WWII Russian Infantry; WWII Toy Soldiers;
WWII Russian infantry in winter greatcoats and 'Deputy Dog' hats from Crescent. For some reason they have mostly equipped themselves with UK weaponry! The fallen guy though, having a US Thompson 'Tommy gun' SMG with drum/cassette magazine!

Next to him is a very obvious EM2, while above them there's a hybrid EM2/SLR on the end and the Timpo 1st version Swoppet's weapon (with added drum-magazine), one-in from the end.

54mm Figures; 54mm Russians; 54mm Toy Soldiers; Crescent 54mm Troops; Crescent Russian Infantry; Crescent Russian Toy Soldiers; Crescent Soviet Infantry; Crescent Soviet Russians; Crescent Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Plastic Soldiers; Vintage Plastic Toys; Vintage Russian Infantry; Vintage Toy Figures; Vintage Toy Soldiers; WWII Plastic Toy Figures; WWII Russian Infantry; WWII Toy Soldiers;
The officer is a particularly nice sculpt, but seems not to feel the cold to the same extent as his troops, while weaponry anachronisms aside (they WERE 'Toy' soldiers!); overall they are a nice set of figures, although that chap top right is a dead-ringer for Herald's casualty; sans helmet and pack!

Also they seem to (nothing 'seems' about it - they do!) have a cap-badge (red Soviet-star) on both sides of their furry hats? See note with the Cherilea set here, later today!


  1. Hi, A long time ago back in 1964 I purchased this set of WWII Russian infantry in winter greatcoats made by Crescent. I have been told they were released by Crescent in Australia during 1962. At the same time I purchased a set of 10 Lone star German storm trooper soldiers to fight the Russian infantry. Thank you for posting these photos. Excellent!

  2. Happy They triggered a memory or two Anon', that's what Christmas is for; memories.



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