
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

B is for Boxed Sets

In case TJF-Stadinger is still struggling to 'trust' information from this site (which he follows SOOOOO closely!) I thought we'd back-up the figures - as shown and attributed (where possible) - in the previous two posts by looking at a couple of the boxes, save him a 'phone-call to one of his "...trusted UK experts"! They get more than enough calls, texts and emails from him as it is!

Beefeater Novelty Figurines; Cavendish; Cavendish Miniatures; Cavendish Novelties; Charles C Stadden; Civilian Figures; Civilian Toy Figures; George Musgrave; Guards Division; Guardsmen; Hong Kong Novelty; Hong Kong Plastic Toy; Hong Kong Toy; Horse Guard; Household Cavalry; Household Guards; Kentoy Guardsman; Kentoy Policeman; Kentoys; Kenway Cycle Shop; Lifeguards; London Souvenir; Made in England; Made in Hong Kong; Michael Martin; Mounted Division; Mounted Figures; Norman Tooth; Old Toy Soldiers; Paul Stadinger; Police Figures; Small Scale World;; Souvenir of London; Stadinger; Stadsstuf; Timpo Guardsman; TJF; Tony Kite; Tourist Keepsake; Tourist Mascot; Tourist Novelty; Tourist Souvenier; Tourist Souvenir; Tourist Trinket; Toy Policemen; Vintage Toy Soldiers; Yeoman of the Guard; Yeoman Warders;
The upper set is apparently (a note left in the box and sold with it) supposed to be a/the Hamley's exclusive (?), but seems to be pretty standard, while the lower set may not have been handled by Cavendish at all, but that's why they were attributed - by me, earlier today - to 'Hong Kong', despite also being handled by Cavendish, in a Cavendish box (I'm still looking for), albeit as a four-figure set.

My Cavendish (possibly Hamley's) blue-and-gold box can also be found elsewhere on the internet in its complete form (mine is missing the gold-finish, figure-retaining, card 'plinth' with the titles printed on), while there are a fair few of the HK sets to be seen around.

Perhaps if Mr The Jabbering Fuck had done a little Googling before his 2nd police post he could have been more sure of the trustworthiness of the information he was quoting from here - instead of trying to dismiss it; because I'd said it . . . Mr Stadinger though - is a very stupid man.

Beefeater Novelty Figurines; Cavendish; Cavendish Miniatures; Cavendish Novelties; Charles C Stadden; Civilian Figures; Civilian Toy Figures; George Musgrave; Guards Division; Guardsmen; Hong Kong Novelty; Hong Kong Plastic Toy; Hong Kong Toy; Horse Guard; Household Cavalry; Household Guards; Kentoy Guardsman; Kentoy Policeman; Kentoys; Kenway Cycle Shop; Lifeguards; London Souvenir; Made in England; Made in Hong Kong; Michael Martin; Mounted Division; Mounted Figures; Norman Tooth; Old Toy Soldiers; Paul Stadinger; Police Figures; Small Scale World;; Souvenir of London; Stadinger; Stadsstuf; Timpo Guardsman; TJF; Tony Kite; Tourist Keepsake; Tourist Mascot; Tourist Novelty; Tourist Souvenier; Tourist Souvenir; Tourist Trinket; Toy Policemen; Vintage Toy Soldiers; Yeoman of the Guard; Yeoman Warders;
Some more shots.
Note the Guard's cuffs and painted plume

If, instead of name-dropping the late Mr. Kite in his adding-nothing to the subject 'I've got one of those too' post, TJF had asked Mr Kite about the relationship between the UK and HK sculpts, he may actually have had something of some actual merit to actually add . . . actually!

And this is a criticism of the 'old guard' in general, why did no-one ask the obvious questions? What did Mr Kite think of, or know about the copies, why was he happy to carry copies of what had been his figures, did he send the Musgrave (or Stadden) tool to the Colony, did he get a cheaper unit-rate that the other tourist trade importers?

Beefeater Novelty Figurines; Cavendish; Cavendish Miniatures; Cavendish Novelties; Charles C Stadden; Civilian Figures; Civilian Toy Figures; George Musgrave; Guards Division; Guardsmen; Hong Kong Novelty; Hong Kong Plastic Toy; Hong Kong Toy; Horse Guard; Household Cavalry; Household Guards; Kentoy Guardsman; Kentoy Policeman; Kentoys; Kenway Cycle Shop; Lifeguards; London Souvenir; Made in England; Made in Hong Kong; Michael Martin; Mounted Division; Mounted Figures; Norman Tooth; Old Toy Soldiers; Paul Stadinger; Police Figures; Small Scale World;; Souvenir of London; Stadinger; Stadsstuf; Timpo Guardsman; TJF; Tony Kite; Tourist Keepsake; Tourist Mascot; Tourist Novelty; Tourist Souvenier; Tourist Souvenir; Tourist Trinket; Toy Policemen; Vintage Toy Soldiers; Yeoman of the Guard; Yeoman Warders;
The two ends of the souvenir box.

The above is obviously not meant to be a criticism of Mr. Kite; both Britains and Marx ran-off to Hong Kong too (which didn't save either of them in the long-run!) but it (the lack of the right questions being asked) is the obvious question to ask of those who would be 'legend' but missed the open goals, which; as Mr. Stadinger's original attack on me turns to something more insidious or ideological (with some of the 'old guard' actively supporting the idiot's idiocy), they are worth questioning in and of themselves.

They're the first questions I'd ask Mr. Kite if he was still with us.

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