
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Z is for Zizzle's Zombies from Zanzibar!

No They're not, they're from the Caribbean, or Disney's excuse for the Caribbean and they were cursed rather than specifically undead - we all know that, but it was a title crying-out for a post which was never going to happen, so in an act of piracy on English as we understand it, I went with my heart!

Barbary Pirates; Brigands; Buccaneers; Chinatroops; Corsairs; Davy Jone's Locker; Davy Jones; Disney; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Pirate Day; Pirate's of the Caribbean; Pirates; Plastic Figures; Plastic Toys; Privateers; PVC; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Sailors; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Toy Soldiers; Zizzle;
Such is the way of things that I bought these just after last year's ITLAPD, I can't remember what I shelled-out for them, but they would have been going for a song, or I wouldn't have jumped at them so soon after clearing the decks of the previous 12-month's stuff!

Although they look like the action figures, they are roughly 54mm, and are a continuation of the earlier, more simple or 'bog-standard' based series we've looked at in ITLAPD's passim (2018 I think, under Zizzle in the tag-list they will be below this post if you jump the tag), but now with landscaped bases, which actually limits their use in some imaginations!

Barbary Pirates; Brigands; Buccaneers; Chinatroops; Corsairs; Davy Jone's Locker; Davy Jones; Disney; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Pirate Day; Pirate's of the Caribbean; Pirates; Plastic Figures; Plastic Toys; Privateers; PVC; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Sailors; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Toy Soldiers; Zizzle;
Two of Davy Jones' crew; the man himself and one of the seaweed men, this Davy is much of an improvement over the one in the previous series, but if he didn't exist, there'd be nothing wrong with the old one, if that makes sense! They both have seabed/coral pod-bases which can pass for ground or beach.

Barbary Pirates; Brigands; Buccaneers; Chinatroops; Corsairs; Davy Jone's Locker; Davy Jones; Disney; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Pirate Day; Pirate's of the Caribbean; Pirates; Plastic Figures; Plastic Toys; Privateers; PVC; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Sailors; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Toy Soldiers; Zizzle;
Two of the Chinese vessels crew (third or fourth movie?); The boss-man's base is also quite generic, it's the fat bloke's which is so specific, but I remember looking at these in the shops at the time they were released and thinking several of them had bases which limit their scope, so it's pure chance three of mine are quite generic and match the others better than this last chap; he also has a separate loop-over cross-belt.

Barbary Pirates; Brigands; Buccaneers; Chinatroops; Corsairs; Davy Jone's Locker; Davy Jones; Disney; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Pirate Day; Pirate's of the Caribbean; Pirates; Plastic Figures; Plastic Toys; Privateers; PVC; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Sailors; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Toy Soldiers; Zizzle;
The seller had sent the wrong captain, and was quick to get the correct one in the next post with an apologetic eMail. While I had them both in front of me I shot them together with a sizer (the trusty berserker), before returning the 100mm action figure to the seller.

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