
Thursday, October 3, 2019

G is for Gun Crew

I dug out the pair of crewmen for the Britains AWI gun which I got a while back (Jim at Sandown?), only to find I had another pair in storage which must have been in the 'big purchase' back in 2010, anyway they presented a couple of opportunities . . .

American Revolution; American War of Independence; AWI Gun Crew; AWI Officer; AWI Sentry; AWI Toy Soldiers; Britains Convertion; Britains Eyes Right; Britains Herald; Figure Convertion; Figure Modelling; Modelling Clay; Modelling Guide; Modelling Hints; Modelling Tips; Small Scale World;;
. . . the first was a photo-op comparing what looks to be two cavity mouldings (upper shot), one with a heavier match, although looking at the photo's it probably only a bit of flach! This presented the second opportunity, and preferring the finer match of the figure on the right, I trimmed the other one back (lower shot) to a bit of a stick!

American Revolution; American War of Independence; AWI Gun Crew; AWI Officer; AWI Sentry; AWI Toy Soldiers; Britains Convertion; Britains Eyes Right; Britains Herald; Figure Convertion; Figure Modelling; Modelling Clay; Modelling Guide; Modelling Hints; Modelling Tips; Small Scale World;;
Taking a couple of pinches of Milliput, I mixed up a tiny amount and made a teeny sausage to provide a stock, a little blob for the grip and a fragment for the hammer (left shot), it wouldn't stick to the vinyl, and being an impatient sort once I've got the bit between my teeth, I hurried it all along with a super-glue bath and a Plastix accelerator-pen!

Once the superglue had rendered everything hard, I attacked it all with fine-tipped, black and brown marker-pens and within ten-minutes of the idea he was finished - dodgy image on the right!

American Revolution; American War of Independence; AWI Gun Crew; AWI Officer; AWI Sentry; AWI Toy Soldiers; Britains Convertion; Britains Eyes Right; Britains Herald; Figure Convertion; Figure Modelling; Modelling Clay; Modelling Guide; Modelling Hints; Modelling Tips; Small Scale World;;
Better images (it's all in the backgrownd!), I used a spare Innovative or other copy of the Britains musket to arm the other spare chap, although he will need some heat-treatment on his elbow to drop the hand enough to hold the muzzle firmly, although a flag on a pole would be an easier 'instant' conversion.

I will also tart the pistol-up a bit one day, it needs a better grip . . . and paint it properly with gun-metal and some spots of brass, but there you go; dismounted cavalryman (?) and sentry! Again, add a sword at his waist and you've got an officer.

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