
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

M is for Mechs; Mechanical Men or Mechanoids . . . Motorised Man-Bots!

Just a quickie to get some stuff out of Picasa and on to the blog, I realised I was in danger of killing my lap-top a while ago when I had filled 580-odd of the 654-GB hard drive and have been shoving stuff on pen-drives to get it down to 356, but I'm now trying to clear some of the 300-odd nascent posts or 850-odd images in the two 'miscellaneous' folders, and this post is part of that exercise - as are most this week!

Autobots; Decepticons; Giant Robots; Hunson; Interchange Robot; Mechanical Men; Mechanoids; Mechs; Motorised Man-Bots; Super Grandisers; Tank Model; Tank Toy; Tank Transformer; Transformer Tank; Transformers; Transforming Robots;
The picture on the left is a Brian B shelfie, the one on the right he sent to the Blog at a later date, note - it's a different design. This was going to be it before moving on to the last image, but I'd though I'd blogged the one Brain sent, yet when I checked the Hunson folder I couldn't find the images . . . because I never took them! As I've now buried the micro-&-mini aircraft box somewhere, for now . . .

Autobots; Decepticons; Giant Robots; Hunson; Interchange Robot; Mechanical Men; Mechanoids; Mechs; Motorised Man-Bots; Super Grandisers; Tank Model; Tank Toy; Tank Transformer; Transformer Tank; Transformers; Transforming Robots;
. . . we'll have to live with hi-res scans I took of the card, presaging the post I never shot the model for! Instructions on the back and both the known (from the artwork and the shelfies) aircraft/bots . . . and that's it, I'll make a mental note to return to it when I do a Transformer-type overview; lots of pencil-tops and capsule-toy type things kicking around somewhere!

Autobots; Decepticons; Giant Robots; Hunson; Interchange Robot; Mechanical Men; Mechanoids; Mechs; Motorised Man-Bots; Super Grandisers; Tank Model; Tank Toy; Tank Transformer; Transformer Tank; Transformers; Transforming Robots;
This is a proper Transformer I think, unless it's a Super Grandiser or an Autobot, or Bad-Bot or whatever! I know, someone told me all about them last time I was acting the ignoramus on the subject but I can't know, or retain - everything!

Suffice to say, if it's a Transformer it's the one that's a tank, if it's a knock-off, it's a tank one!

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