
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Q is for Question Time - Composition Queries

Chris sent me an interesting shot last week, and as I had a few in Picasa, I thought it might be an idea to put them out here - all new-to-Internet, if not new-to-hobby?

Chang-Kai-Chek; Composition Figures; Composition Toy; Composition Toy Soldiers; D. Brown; Guardsmen; Imperial China; Imperial Chinese Toy Soldiers; M. Leech; Plastoline; Pre-comunist China; Small Scale World;; Timpolin; Unknown Composition; Unknown Guardsmen; Unknown Toy Figures; WWI; WWII; Zang Composition; Zang For Timpo Toys; Zang Pumice;
This was Chris's question-mark. Flanked by two known or believed to be Zang or Zang for Timpo (Timpolin) figures - a pilot on the left and Tommy Atkins on the right - is an unknown guardsman in a similar material and style, but with a strange stalactite of flash running down his front, which Chris reports (it's not clear in the image) is painted a different colour. I wondered if that might indicate the removal of a drum or standard, but neither would match the arm/hand positioning?

I also think he may have been re-painted as he looks very clean and the flesh is pale for Zang? Now I know some Zang ceremonial guards have recently turned up but I was lead to believe they were matched to the 30/35mm highlander, not this 50/54mm size, so a big question mark here?

Chang-Kai-Chek; Composition Figures; Composition Toy; Composition Toy Soldiers; D. Brown; Guardsmen; Imperial China; Imperial Chinese Toy Soldiers; M. Leech; Plastoline; Pre-comunist China; Small Scale World;; Timpolin; Unknown Composition; Unknown Guardsmen; Unknown Toy Figures; WWI; WWII; Zang Composition; Zang For Timpo Toys; Zang Pumice;
If not Zang, a name-in-the-frame could be Plastoline (Msrs. D. Brown and M. Leech) of whose 'output' or 'production' I know of the first three items (more on the 'known' another day).

They worked in Plasticine, hardened with what the old school (old-old-old-school) euphemistically referred to as 'banana oil' in old figure-modelling tomes, which could be any one of several things; cellulose 'dope' (flying-aeroplane modelling), cellulose lacquer or nitro-toluene thinners (automotive trade) or acetone (nail-varnish remover), or even wood-hardener - destroyer of good brushes?

These four figures, however, are unknown but in the style of Plastoline's known figures (anatomy wasn't their strong point) and anything anyone knows about them would be very helpful.

I suspect the first three are Chang-Kai-Chek's Imperial Chinese forces from the 2nd World War (70-years ago today - there's always method in SSW's madness . . . well, nearly always!); an officer (marked 10) and two soldiers (one marked 14) while the last figure is probably an early (WWI'ish) NBC-warfare (ABC/CBN) operative (marked 4), spraying gas by hand, whilst dressed in protective equipment, but which nation, or is it Sci-Fi, or an early Air Force firefighter, or a DDT fumigator?

Chang-Kai-Chek; Composition Figures; Composition Toy; Composition Toy Soldiers; D. Brown; Guardsmen; Imperial China; Imperial Chinese Toy Soldiers; M. Leech; Plastoline; Pre-comunist China; Small Scale World;; Timpolin; Unknown Composition; Unknown Guardsmen; Unknown Toy Figures; WWI; WWII; Zang Composition; Zang For Timpo Toys; Zang Pumice;
He appears to have two tanks on his back, presumably; one to breath, one to spray shit with . . . stopping other people breathing forever?

It's very unlikely to get much odder, more unusual, or any rarer, on Small Scale World than these chaps, so if anyone can add anything; it'll be appreciated by the other 800-odd daily visitors.

Many thanks to Adrian Little and Chris Smith for the images.


  1. Guardsman looks a bit Harvey series like, with it's crisply ironed trousers, and thinner base, and would fit the 54mm bill.

  2. Cheers Adrian, I should have spotted the dildo-like sculpting of the 'bearskin'! There's some Lone Star DNA there for sure!


  3. Thanks Adrian for the suggestion . I've checked but they are not a match. Hugh I've sent you some photos please forward to Adrian.

    Cheers Chris

  4. That was the first thing I did! I'm actually posting the Zang 40mm Guardsman on Monday, I'll try to put yours up again in the afternoon, it might jog some memories?



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