
Monday, December 9, 2019

H is for How They Come In - Fourteen Flexible Fellows!

The 'polymer gang' which came from Peter Evans last week; seems to be a mix of escapees from the bigger parcel the other week, another footballer and some very useful Charbens Indians . . .

Amerindians; Anime Manga; Bandai; Britains; Charbens; Croco; Farmer; Firefighter; Flaming Firebrand; Footballer; Hasbro; Imperial Pilot; Indians; Jamie Redknapp; Lion; Lone Star; Native Americans; New Ray; Rebel pilot; Small Scale World;; Snowtroopers; Star Wars; Timpo; Wild West;
. . . starting with the footballer and working clockwise in a snail-twist; It's another of the Cereal premiums from Crocco, this one is Jamie Redknapp and further marked B6 and only my second, the first also coming from Peter I think (Alan Shearer) at the last Plastic Warrior show.

Next to him is an early New Ray farmer lacking his hand-tool, then a couple of the escapees being another Britains' and Lone Star Indian copies in the same glossy polyethylene as the ones we saw last time.

A small road-worker in the corner leads us to a Timpo Lion (tail slightly chewed) while the other corner has a real weirdness, he wearing a semi-Star Wars Imperial Stormtrooper uniform, with fluffy, feathered, solder-boards! He's also got chicken feet . . . four of them, all holding Ninja throwing-stars? He has a tuft or wattle at the back of his head and is missing a set of actual wings or a backpack of some kind. Marked HT and Bandai, he'll be from some Manga or Anime madness!

Finally; four more escapees from the last lot I think, although they are increasingly in general lots now and the three Charbens Native Americans. I do have some somewhere, but I'm not sure I have kneeling legs, or even the green trousers, and I know some of mine are scruffy, so these will pep the sample up with a bit of 'swoppeting'.

Thank you very much Mr. Evans!

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