
Monday, December 2, 2019

T is for The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

It's also for trees, terrible timekeeping and troublesome assistant!

This was supposed to be, or to be specifically accurate; was originally intended to be - the third post on the golf day we had a week or two ago, but, I thought, it would be better used for National Tree Week, once I had become aware of NTW, given it's about the trees with this particular set.

Obviously, plans went awry last week and I never got all the tree stuff out, so it might as well have been used on Good Walk Spoiled Day instead, but, hey-ho, there are no rules to this Blogging malarkey, unless you're my critics in which case apparently there's a whole bunch of rule books but nobody's got round to sending me copies! Anywhoos - here's Carpet Golf from Turner Research, late!

Britains Copies; Britains Trees; Carpet Golf; Cedar Tree; Executive Golf Toy; Executive Golfing Game; Executive Toy; Game Playing Pieces; Golf; Golf Game; Golfers; Golfing; Golfing Game; Small Scale World;; Sports Figures; Sports Game; Sportsmen; Trees; Turner Research; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
Did I say troublesome assistant? Straight into the packaging like a rat up a drainpipe!

Britains Copies; Britains Trees; Carpet Golf; Cedar Tree; Executive Golf Toy; Executive Golfing Game; Executive Toy; Game Playing Pieces; Golf; Golf Game; Golfers; Golfing; Golfing Game; Small Scale World;; Sports Figures; Sports Game; Sportsmen; Trees; Turner Research; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
Box was shite, but I didn't get it for the box (which was in the kindling bucket for fire starting minutes after this shot) and a poor box means a cheaper deal! We'll get on the the trees and figures in a minute, but I also kept the two bunkers and the water feature; they may come in useful at some point in the future?

Britains Copies; Britains Trees; Carpet Golf; Cedar Tree; Executive Golf Toy; Executive Golfing Game; Executive Toy; Game Playing Pieces; Golf; Golf Game; Golfers; Golfing; Golfing Game; Small Scale World;; Sports Figures; Sports Game; Sportsmen; Trees; Turner Research; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
I did measure the figures, but I've forgotten what it was and put them away! I think it was about 110mm - judging from the fingers below! The figures have a lever action which enables them to putt, chip or whack large expanded-polystyrene balls about the place with gay abandon!

I've also kept the green-flag (which is red!) and it will join a plethora of other, larger, wood, metal and plastic flags & standards in a tub somewhere.

Britains Copies; Britains Trees; Carpet Golf; Cedar Tree; Executive Golf Toy; Executive Golfing Game; Executive Toy; Game Playing Pieces; Golf; Golf Game; Golfers; Golfing; Golfing Game; Small Scale World;; Sports Figures; Sports Game; Sportsmen; Trees; Turner Research; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
Working the leaver to show how simple it is - both the golfer and the mechanism . . . tada! They are manufactured from a very dense PVC which I came to wishI hadn't separated for the 'how' shot when trying to get them to go back together again; but they went in the end with a bit of brute force!

There were only two clubs in the box, there should be six, but - again- I wasn't buying it for the golf!

Britains Copies; Britains Trees; Carpet Golf; Cedar Tree; Executive Golf Toy; Executive Golfing Game; Executive Toy; Game Playing Pieces; Golf; Golf Game; Golfers; Golfing; Golfing Game; Small Scale World;; Sports Figures; Sports Game; Sportsmen; Trees; Turner Research; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
I was buying it for the bloody trees weren’t I!

Over a decade ago, when I worked for JB, we had a couple of these come through the stock, and since then I'd had it on the 'long list', and from time to time would check it on evilBay; in the end I got one. It's not rare and if you're careful you can pick one up for reasonable money, not for the 'pre-executive toy' executive-toy elements, but for the trees!

Britains style trees, (marked Japan interestingly), but in autumnal colours, which, when placed with a couple of Britains copper-beeches, can make a believable autumn scene, clearly Japanese acers; they can be your very-own Westonbirt! The bases are Britains as far as it goes, but the tree trunks are more original.

As it happens; I think I'm missing an orange sprig, the box suggests using both colours for each tree, and going by the obvious studs (anyone who's made-up these types of tree will know extra fronds can be placed on twigs/branches not directly intended for them!) the two trees are supposed to take eight and six sprigs respectively, which could be 7 & 7 colour wise? But I'll be looking out for a yellow one!

Britains Copies; Britains Trees; Carpet Golf; Cedar Tree; Executive Golf Toy; Executive Golfing Game; Executive Toy; Game Playing Pieces; Golf; Golf Game; Golfers; Golfing; Golfing Game; Small Scale World;; Sports Figures; Sports Game; Sportsmen; Trees; Turner Research; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
This also comes in the set, also 'Japan', it seems to be complete but could have used a couple-more spreads of greenery? Also clearly channeling Britains, not only in the base-shape, but in the fact that the side branches both follow the Britains 'system' and seem to be copied from the Britains Cedar, despite the main trunk being more original?

However, the similarities are explained . . .

Britains Copies; Britains Trees; Carpet Golf; Cedar Tree; Executive Golf Toy; Executive Golfing Game; Executive Toy; Game Playing Pieces; Golf; Golf Game; Golfers; Golfing; Golfing Game; Small Scale World;; Sports Figures; Sports Game; Sportsmen; Trees; Turner Research; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
. . . by the fact that an original Britains Cedar was available to someone at Turner during the design phase! I dare say they had more than one Britains tree to so peruse?

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