
Friday, March 13, 2020

H is for Hiatus II

The question we need to be asking is; if the government, the establishment, the medical profession have had 102-years to prepare for the "Next big pandemic", and if the government, the establishment and the medical profession have had more than 20-odd-years to prepare for an "Overdue pandemic" . . . why are the army (or the police, or somebody) not going door-to-door (in facemasks) handing out facemasks

I tried the builder's merchants for dust masks, but other people had already thought of that! I'll be digging my S10 out of the garage, just to go to the Shell station for milk and a paper!

Now, I must apologise for my suggestion it was no worse than normal seasonal flu, clearly if you have six deaths in 400-odd cases, the maths says 1.5%, so the potential is for this 19th 'Upstart Crow' to kill over a million Britons, or more than the Second World War (850,000-odd). Today (Thursday) they tried to confuse the situation by making the potential total 10-20,000 'positives' but also added 20 people in Intensive Care . . . 26 from 10,000 is still poor odds! {Update Friday - 10 dead in 596 is closer to 2%?}

One would hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does, either now, or during the second phase, which they are expecting to peak in November (apparently?); possibly - like 1918's - as a mutation, which on that occasion was stronger, or more lethal, then that'll end the housing crisis, as this time the casualties won't be matched by the Luftwaffe's physical damage to infrastucture! It will also end - for several years at least - the property market, upon which the entire Thatcherite-Raganomic free-market capital system is based.

While it would be nice to watch the Daily Wail and Torygraph go into a full spastic-hysterical meltdown as their entire universe and only reason-d'ĂȘtre disappears up its own fundament, we have to remind ourselves the same lumpen pink-monkey shites who voted for Trumpundbrexit and put Boris in No.10 are likely to take any coming failures or pecived failures in a dim way, and react accordingly!

They're not trying to save anyone either, they're trying to save the NHS by spreading and therefore blunting the peak.

It turns out that the 'same as seasonal flu' story was being pedalled by that orange loon Trump, which (believing it) is a shame I'll never live down! Though I reckon he's killed a couple of million Americans, all by his own 'don't need experts' stupidity, if it comes to worst-case fatality totals? Still, he'll be bankrupting his own airlines as well as everyone else's!

In the meantime, there is no point posting show dates, or auctions as from now 'till at least the end of April only a selfish idiot would go to one, if it hasn't been cancelled? I'm surprised we're not closing schools, everyone else is, and this won't be over until it's worked-out, everywhere, so normal rules don't/won't apply for a while to come.

Auctions though will still need to happen, as they often don't have the storage space, so probably best to check locally and do it all on-line?

Also, and the main point today;  I have an elderly parent in the high-risk category, so continuing to use the library for public-access Internet is a basic, logical no-no, or 'no-brainer' as the saying is these days! So, at the risk of the Jabbering Fuck accusing me of dragging-out show reports . . . again!

I'm out'a'here!

I'll start posting again when it's safe to do so, if I'm still around to do so!


  1. Sad news Hugh I and many others will be waiting for your return. Keep the faith
    China pop. 1 billion deaths 3,000 1 in 300.000
    Italy 60 million deaths 1,500 1 in 40.000

  2. Good luck, Hugh, will miss the postings.

  3. Hope to see you posting again the other side of this - I've got a couple of blasts from the past (OK, the early 1970s) to photograph and send to you.

  4. Jah, I hate to be flippant, but I think we beat you . . . we're heading for higher deaths than anyone else in Europe, and both France and German have bigger populations? But we spent three weeks doing nothing, watching Italy and going "Italy's three weeks ahead of us"? Which is why I ended up taking myself into lockdown 11-days before the useless Boris told me to! And pray for America (and Brazil), they are led by a [two] childish imbecile[s]!

    Cheers Andy . . . as you can see I'm back . . . early!

    All donations/contributions gratefully received Cosmocat, it all adds to the 'mix'.



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