
Friday, April 24, 2020

F is for Follow-up - G is for Great Wall

Brain Berke eMailed these to me just as the Corvid-19 crisis began to bite, so it's a bit of a late follow-up, but as a foil to the on/off, point-and-go battery-operated Walker Bulldog I'd found in Waterstone's, he sent this fully remote-control little beauty from across the pond.

14 R/C; B/O Tank; Battery Operated Toy; Battery Powered; German Tank; Great Wall Toys; Made in China; Multifunction Remote Control Tank; R/C Toy; Radio Controlled; Tank Model; Tank Toy; The Armor Corps; Tiger Tank; Toy Model; Toy Tank;
Posed with the Airfix Cromwell, it's a Tiger I with rather whacky colouring and markings, but nothing a home paint-job wouldn't put right, and it comes with a 'new' small scale figure . . . looking a lot like the old Fujimi or Esci side-cap bedecked tank-commander, but there's not a lot a sculptor can do with a torso, in a turret! It's lost its lid as well?

Manufactured by Great Wall Toys, the rear of the carrier-box has a rather disconcerting mirror, which is obviously designed to display the details of both the front and the back of the tank at the same time, but it also distorts the whole thing like a stretched super-deform!

14 R/C; B/O Tank; Battery Operated Toy; Battery Powered; German Tank; Great Wall Toys; Made in China; Multifunction Remote Control Tank; R/C Toy; Radio Controlled; Tank Model; Tank Toy; The Armor Corps; Tiger Tank; Toy Model; Toy Tank;
It's a long time since I followed AFV's in any depth but I think it's an early/mid variant? I don't get why so much effort goes into such an unrealistic camouflage, and a lot of effort has gone into it; it's a four-colour, approximately 55-15-15-15% scheme, well thought-out as well . . . maybe it's a current Chinese military patten?

But think of it on the drive, hunting-down the straight-line Walker Bulldog . . . one sided it would be, but great-fun!

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