
Friday, April 24, 2020

H is for Horde of Homies

Not really a 'horde' but quite a few and the A-Z trope has been hacked to death now . . . although I'm not sure what a 'horde' consists of; a horde of guns might be less than a dozen, but a horde of enemy warriors tends toward thousands as a minimum!

Mr Berke sent us these just as we all went into lockdown . . .

A & A Global Industries; Barrio Superstars; Barrios; Bullyz; California Chicanos; Chicano Toys; Clowns; Collectors Series; County Dogpound; David Gonzales; Funlines; Homie Girl; Homies; Homies Figurines; Homies Franchise; Los Angeles; Lowrider Culture; Mijos; Palermos; Vending Machines; Zombies;
All new poses with seven homie's and three babe's hanging around the 'hood and three more 'doing something'! I like the Ice Cream trolley and the guy in his bathers seems to be accidentally advertising Macky-D's while the chap in blue reminded me of a figure already in the collection, so before I'd looked to check, I eMailed Brian to say I thought I might have some really early Homies in the storage-section of the stash . . .

A & A Global Industries; Barrio Superstars; Barrios; Bullyz; California Chicanos; Chicano Toys; Clowns; Collectors Series; County Dogpound; David Gonzales; Funlines; Homie Girl; Homies; Homies Figurines; Homies Franchise; Los Angeles; Lowrider Culture; Mijos; Palermos; Vending Machines; Zombies;
. . . but it's not a Homie (bottom middle, blue jacket with the red stripe), he's marked Hasbro or Mattel (I can't remember and I've put him away now! and dated 2002 I think?) on his back but he fits in beautifully and looks like a teenage BA Baracus - Wha'da'yer mean FOOL; I aint gow'in no 'plane! He's been posed with all the front-branded Homies-shirt wearers, from both the donation samples.

While top left we have "But officer; all me'Homies have a pet lizard?" and top right is "OK, so it's Ma' Buggin's Doughnut's on the corner of 7th and 33rd and I tell 'em you sent me, cheers pal; I owe yah one!"

There's a good potted history of the line here, and there's a useful checklist here, they now do Homies big-head deforms and bobble-heads, but I prefer the original gum-ball machine toys!

And many thanks, again, to Brian for another bunch of these charming figures.

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