
Monday, April 27, 2020

L is for Let's Make it a 'Space Day'!

Seen briefly in passing the other day, I took some more detailed shots as I love these 'pulp' space and/or futuristic vehicles, they don't look remotely sci-fi now, they just ooze 1950's matinee silliness! Indeed, it looks more like an experimental electric-trolley in a car plant or something, rather than a 21st century motorway-choker?

Ideal Futuristic Truck; Ideal Space Truck; Ideal Toy Company; ITC; Platform Truck Toy; Pulp Sci Fi; Sci Fi Vehicle; Small Scale World;; Space Lorry; Space Toy; Space Truck; Space Vehicle; Toy Platform Truck; Toy Truck; Truck;
Not only did the pulp stuff reflect the 1950's, but it reflected the 1950's retro-referencing the 1920's art-deco movement or the 'jazz age', this is more Empire State than Palpatine's Empire, more Metropolis than Martian!

Ideal Futuristic Truck; Ideal Space Truck; Ideal Toy Company; ITC; Platform Truck Toy; Pulp Sci Fi; Sci Fi Vehicle; Small Scale World;; Space Lorry; Space Toy; Space Truck; Space Vehicle; Toy Platform Truck; Toy Truck; Truck;
The flatbed is slightly too short to take the little car we've seen before and I don't know if it came with any load? Often these 'dime-store' vehicles were sold lose from counter/shelf display boxes and there is usually a few different vehicles in a similar style, but a cursory-look hasn't found much on this one; a similar tanker was all I could find?

Ideal Futuristic Truck; Ideal Space Truck; Ideal Toy Company; ITC; Platform Truck Toy; Pulp Sci Fi; Sci Fi Vehicle; Small Scale World;; Space Lorry; Space Toy; Space Truck; Space Vehicle; Toy Platform Truck; Toy Truck; Truck;
The 'U.S.A.' has been removed, but the Ideal remains, suggesting a UK or European partner was leant or given the mould, probably the Leicester thread of the Ideal Empire? Scale is a hard one, what sort of engines will they have in the future-past of the 1920's, is it a light utility vehicle or a heavy planetary-expedition vehicle with crew-cab?

Going on the windows (and the little car) it's a large lorry/truck vehicle in 1:72nd scale, but going on the contemporary die-casts, a 1:43rd'ish van! Also it's a soft polyethylene where you'd expect the US production of the time to be hard styrene or something less stable!

And similar to the larger (and nicer!) Archer vehicle Geoff posted the other-day.

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