
Saturday, April 18, 2020

N is for Necessity - the Mother of Invention!

Ha-ha! I'm back! And the world's still going to Hell in a hand-cart!

I got chatting with the neighbour (from a safe distance of course!) and he offered to let me slave his Wi-Fi, which was bloody kind; they only moved in recently, so we only know each-other on politely-saying-'hi' terms, if you know what I mean?

Anyway, I couldn't get locked-on, but discovered we have a Wi-Fi hotspot (BTWifi-with-Fon if anyone else is looking for something - just connect to it, open your browser and wait - with your card - for the sign-up message . . . I know - I'm a luddite, but it might help someone equally slow behind the times!), and I've signed-up to that . . . it's not that cheap (£39.99p for 30 days?) and it's hellish slow, but I gather everyone else is struggling with speeds ('cos half the fucking universe is in/on lockdown now!), so here we are.

Actually I've been here for over 24hrs, but I had eMails to answer, friends to check up on, comments to deal with and a bunch of other stuff, but will start blogging again soon, and have some stuff ready . . . ish!

Sadly I was right about Trump (he's an infantile imbecile), but we have right-wing populists in power too, and we are going to end-up with high death-rates too, so will Hungary and Brazil, indeed we spent five weeks watching the Italians and having ministers muttering "of course . . . Italy are three weeks ahead of the curve", until we were three weeks behind and exactly where Italy had been!

And still no face-masks (which the rednecks, populists and 'libertarians' are trying to argue aren’t worth using - but hey; something is better than nothing - 'anything' - is better than nothing!), which should have been there, already . . . ready for a biological attack . . . which this is . . .

Toys next!

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