
Sunday, May 3, 2020

B is for Big Chief Box-Tick!

A real box-ticker; I don't think I even have all the poses, but in sorting the Wild West over the last few weeks these presented themselves as being vaguely photogenic, so I fired off a quick shot or two, and the box can be ticked!

American Indians; American Natives; First Nation Peoples; Plastic Toy Figures; Small Scale World;; SP Indians; SP Toys; Supreme Toys; Supreme Wild West; Wild West; Wild West Indians; Wild West Toy Figures;
Supreme's Native American Indians, copies of course and rendered in a soft'ish PVC-substitute with a - probably - polypropylene horse and base for same. Airfix piracies with the odd adjustment; note the footrest, the horse however seems to be a more original piece, but I dare say there is a donor/are donors somewhere!

American Indians; American Natives; First Nation Peoples; Plastic Toy Figures; Small Scale World;; SP Indians; SP Toys; Supreme Toys; Supreme Wild West; Wild West; Wild West Indians; Wild West Toy Figures;
I think the Supreme's (1) are all six-colour paint-jobs, which is pretty good for Hong Kong/China, but the copy of a copy (2, we saw in Hunson packaging with some shelfies from Mr Berke), is seven with the base! 3 is a more traditional clone with the original British Airfix sculpt at 4.

However it must be said, none of these are particularly rare, and you can probably find all three copies still on sale if you're lucky? Although in the case of 3 you are more likely to find second or third generation piracies in brighter, primary colours, but we saw a similar set from Imperial here at Small Scale World a while back, while Hunson are running some similar ones too.

Note that while 3 is probably a pantographed copy, the two rubber figures (1 & 2) have the hallmarks of hand-copies with re-sculpted folds to clothing, new chunky-versions of the weapons and less realistic torso contours.

American Indians; American Natives; First Nation Peoples; Plastic Toy Figures; Small Scale World;; SP Indians; SP Toys; Supreme Toys; Supreme Wild West; Wild West; Wild West Indians; Wild West Toy Figures;
Better view of the rider, the stand-fixing wasn't quite in focus, not that it matters, I couldn't work out how it's fixed, but like Britains Deetail horses/bases, there seems to be an element of wedging involved, which I wasn't going to force for curiosities-sake; in case I broke it!

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