
Friday, May 1, 2020

News, Views Etc . . . Dead Links, Wi-Fi

I have sadly excised a bunch of blogs from the links-list among which were a couple of old favorites; O'Leary Miniatures (gone painting) who I believe is active on a Facebook page and Rocket Punch who seems to have slipped his interstellar-moring and gone off to pastures new?

Two non-toy soldier blogs have gone; Pharygula and The Future Soon along with the trade blog Toy Industry News, Giampiero's small scale blog has also ceased to be, has have Vintage Castings and King's African Rifles.

Finally I've deleted the Miniature Zone as it (the Blogger version) was a temporary platform and I must work out how to get the actual site (which is still active) up, probably in one of the lists on the other side of the page?

That BTWifi-with-FON thing I've signed-up too is better than I thought (apart from when it disappears for most of a day!) as I've realised it's not 30 calendar days, it's 30x24x60, which counts-down on the 'voucher' page, so three weeks+ in, and I'm only about half-way through my allocation, so over the year it won't be any more expensive than any no-limit package/contract, so definite recommendation if you're looking for an alternative.

I went back to the earlier letters, with additions to the 'Drill' tags, a difficult one as a lot of the posts are mixed poses, so I'm only adding the tags where it's obvious, the trouble is the 'Ceremonial' tag is getting big and unwieldy, but it's the best I've got, and if I added 'Staff Uniform' or 'Dress Uniform' tags (and I might, one day?) it would only take a few posts out of the whole tag-result. And by the time you read this I should be doing (or done, on going through) the 'Band' tag, converting to Pop, Pipers, Drums and Musicians . . . or similar; rock-folk, rock-pop, band majors, gweetaars?


  1. Hi Hugh. has a permanent redirect to now, hosted on the google blogger platform. After miniaturezone was hacked and they deleted everything I cancelled my service with the old provider and shifted to google. I planned on reviving it from backups but it was based on wordpress and meant a lot of work and time, and I couldn't see the need so I've been adding bit by bit backups of old posts onto the new blogger platform on the nee URL. Cheers John

  2. p.s - that should read

  3. Cheers John, I'm currently halfway through converting the 36 'Kelloggs' to join the 17 'Kellogg's' (what am I like!), then I'll fix a link to you!


  4. Ha-ha! I've just checked and you're already there (thought I recognised the URL) i just had you twice and it was the old temp. one I deleted earlier!



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