
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

ABC is for Alarmingly Bad Copies!

Seen here at Small Scale World nearly a decade ago (!), loyal readers from way back will recognise these 'novelty' figures, but given how the traffic has increased over the years may be new to some of you. Chris Smith has only gawwn and found two new poses!

40mm Copies; 40mm Crescent; 40mm Figures; 40mm Monogram; 40mm Timpo; 45mm Copies; 45mm Crescent; 45mm Figures; 8th Army; 8th Army Figures; 8th Army Toy Soldiers; ABC; ABC Copies; ABC Hong Kong; ABC Toy Soldiers; Britains Copies; Britains Herald; Crescent Copy; Made in Hong Kong; Monogram Copies; Monogram US Infantry; Small Scale World;; Timpo 8th Army; Timpo Toys;
Running at under 45mm but mostly over 40mm, they are intermediate to the 'intermediate' scales! In Chris's own words . . .

"I finally picked up the officer last year from a job lot from ▲▲▲▲▲ on ebay. You don’t see them very often, then last month received two in a mixed lot off ebay that I hadn’t spotted when bidding."

40mm Copies; 40mm Crescent; 40mm Figures; 40mm Monogram; 40mm Timpo; 45mm Copies; 45mm Crescent; 45mm Figures; 8th Army; 8th Army Figures; 8th Army Toy Soldiers; ABC; ABC Copies; ABC Hong Kong; ABC Toy Soldiers; Britains Copies; Britains Herald; Crescent Copy; Made in Hong Kong; Monogram Copies; Monogram US Infantry; Small Scale World;; Timpo 8th Army; Timpo Toys;
"Two very interesting new poses; first up a charging with fixed bayonet pose, this is based on the charging with pack Herald figure but with the pack removed similar to the timpo copy you showed. Why they didn’t just copy the charging without pack pose? (Crescent had a charging figure as well, why not copy that?) The base is too small so impossible to stand the figure up without it falling over, blob of bluetack used for the photos."

40mm Copies; 40mm Crescent; 40mm Figures; 40mm Monogram; 40mm Timpo; 45mm Copies; 45mm Crescent; 45mm Figures; 8th Army; 8th Army Figures; 8th Army Toy Soldiers; ABC; ABC Copies; ABC Hong Kong; ABC Toy Soldiers; Britains Copies; Britains Herald; Crescent Copy; Made in Hong Kong; Monogram Copies; Monogram US Infantry; Small Scale World;; Timpo 8th Army; Timpo Toys;
"The 2nd new figure is walking with a walkie talkie, his DNA is from the Monogram GI’s but is a cut and shut of the upper half of the standing with walkie talkie and slung rifle and the lower half of the walking with slung rifle. I’ve got a few of the Monogram copies marked ABC so they would have them to hand. You can see the creases on the back of the figure are the same as the GI."

40mm Copies; 40mm Crescent; 40mm Figures; 40mm Monogram; 40mm Timpo; 45mm Copies; 45mm Crescent; 45mm Figures; 8th Army; 8th Army Figures; 8th Army Toy Soldiers; ABC; ABC Copies; ABC Hong Kong; ABC Toy Soldiers; Britains Copies; Britains Herald; Crescent Copy; Made in Hong Kong; Monogram Copies; Monogram US Infantry; Small Scale World;; Timpo 8th Army; Timpo Toys;
The full line-up with donors, they do - of course - fit in well with the 'pure' monogram copies and could be used with other 40/45mm figures, but I don't think there's much war-gaming with this kind of esoteric figure out there, they are collected for their own sake, and because they are a hundred-times harder to find than anything Airfix or Britains ever made!

40mm Copies; 40mm Crescent; 40mm Figures; 40mm Monogram; 40mm Timpo; 45mm Copies; 45mm Crescent; 45mm Figures; 8th Army; 8th Army Figures; 8th Army Toy Soldiers; ABC; ABC Copies; ABC Hong Kong; ABC Toy Soldiers; Britains Copies; Britains Herald; Crescent Copy; Made in Hong Kong; Monogram Copies; Monogram US Infantry; Small Scale World;; Timpo 8th Army; Timpo Toys;
Chris's eMails were all the excuse I needed to get mine out and shoot them again, despite them being the poor relatives now (I'll send one of mine to Chris by way of thanks for things and hopefully he's do us a follow-up shot of all four?).

The fourth pose being a pretty straight copy of a Timpo 8th Army figure with the same Crescent head-transplant as the others!

40mm Copies; 40mm Crescent; 40mm Figures; 40mm Monogram; 40mm Timpo; 45mm Copies; 45mm Crescent; 45mm Figures; 8th Army; 8th Army Figures; 8th Army Toy Soldiers; ABC; ABC Copies; ABC Hong Kong; ABC Toy Soldiers; Britains Copies; Britains Herald; Crescent Copy; Made in Hong Kong; Monogram Copies; Monogram US Infantry; Small Scale World;; Timpo 8th Army; Timpo Toys;
Base markings on mine; the officer is lacking the diamond-shaped ABC lozenge. ABC are quite good at marking though, even the cabs of their little 1-Ton Humber trucks (copied from Kleeware) had small marks, so this probably points to forgetfulness . . . or multiple cavities as . . .

40mm Copies; 40mm Crescent; 40mm Figures; 40mm Monogram; 40mm Timpo; 45mm Copies; 45mm Crescent; 45mm Figures; 8th Army; 8th Army Figures; 8th Army Toy Soldiers; ABC; ABC Copies; ABC Hong Kong; ABC Toy Soldiers; Britains Copies; Britains Herald; Crescent Copy; Made in Hong Kong; Monogram Copies; Monogram US Infantry; Small Scale World;; Timpo 8th Army; Timpo Toys;
. . . Chris then (a couple of weeks later/a couple of weeks ago) discovered they are also available in green! And he is marked. So - my two are now looking for at least six mates in two colours and some of you may [now] be looking for eight!

The size difference is down to camera angle and the sand one being a poorer mould-shot, compare the green one with mine and you'll see they are the same moulding. Again - the more we know the less we know, although this time - at least - we now know more but there's more to find, have you got fifth or even sixth poses, or more of the green ones?

Many thanks to Chris for sending these treasures to the Blog.


  1. Why does the Khaki officer with binoculars have a dash of flesh paint on his prominent fly? tsk tsk!

    Its interesting that the top, charging figure has not only lost his pack but has changed into shorts and shirt sleeves. The angle of the bent arms and legs seemed to have changed slightly bit I presume that happened during the trouser removal surgery.

  2. Who knows what went-on in the Hong Kong studios of Dr Moreau Ross!!!



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