
Sunday, June 7, 2020

H is for How They Come In - Week 18 - 4 Sci-fi, Fantasy and TV/Movie-related

We'll start with the Robots in deference to the recent passing of Florian Schneider (we are not the Robots, but you were!) and because I listed Sci-fi first!

Astronaut; Ben 10; Bendy Robots; Bendy Toys; Capsule Toys; Captain Video; Clown Figurine; Crater Critters; Epic Movie; Exogini; Gormiti; Gum-ball Prizes; Martians; Matchbox Toys; McDonalds Premiums; Mega Rigs Mega-Rigs; Pokemon; Post Rasin Bran; Premiums; Robot Set; Small Scale World;;
They are in many respects (colour, plastic type, sculpting style etc . . .) similar to the Arco Robots, but are clearly NOT the Arco Robots! They have a cavity in their backs which has what appears to be a mounting spigot for something, but no 'somethings' came with them, which in a sample of such numbers you'd expect; if only one, so it may have something to do with the way they were sold, a secondary function (attached to a bigger 'thing' or part of the production process?

Also, as is always the case with these autograndizedmecha's I have no idea if they represent any known license, or which set of characters they might be if they do?
Now known to be Bi-Tron rack-toys, issued by Pikit in the UK and probably Gordy International in the USA, they come with a 'space' helicopter/lifting body thing and various micro-armour multi-wheeled AFV's, who's turrets probably go in the holes on the backs of the Mecha's/giant battle-suits, there's also an articulated recovery platform which seems to be lifted from Takara-Tomy's Votom range, seen here at Small Scale World passim.

Astronaut; Ben 10; Bendy Robots; Bendy Toys; Capsule Toys; Captain Video; Clown Figurine; Crater Critters; Epic Movie; Exogini; Gormiti; Gum-ball Prizes; Martians; Matchbox Toys; McDonalds Premiums; Mega Rigs Mega-Rigs; Pokemon; Post Rasin Bran; Premiums; Robot Set; Small Scale World;;
These are the best! Believe it or not, they are bendies! I have a small bendy bear which I thought was as small as they could get, but these are teeny-tiny bendy! All given three blobs of black paint they cover quite a range with another autograndizedmecha, a more conventional R2BenD robot microwave and home-entertainment system, and a clown! Bargain! Absolute, total, bloody-bargain!

Astronaut; Ben 10; Bendy Robots; Bendy Toys; Capsule Toys; Captain Video; Clown Figurine; Crater Critters; Epic Movie; Exogini; Gormiti; Gum-ball Prizes; Martians; Matchbox Toys; McDonalds Premiums; Mega Rigs Mega-Rigs; Pokemon; Post Rasin Bran; Premiums; Robot Set; Small Scale World;;
This is interesting; it appears to be a modern dense polyethylene/polypropylene re-issue of one of the old Post cereal-premium bird-men, themselves downsized from the Lido captain video figures we've looked at before?

Given the way old novelty and premium moulds seem to have migrated to South- or Spanish America over the years, I'm guessing it's from there, but it could be French . . . maybe, or a China-made gum-ball machine capsule-prize? Lovely thing to receive in the post, for free!

Astronaut; Ben 10; Bendy Robots; Bendy Toys; Capsule Toys; Captain Video; Clown Figurine; Crater Critters; Epic Movie; Exogini; Gormiti; Gum-ball Prizes; Martians; Matchbox Toys; McDonalds Premiums; Mega Rigs Mega-Rigs; Pokemon; Post Rasin Bran; Premiums; Robot Set; Small Scale World;;
More conventional territory here, with two bug-eyed 'Martians' and a couple of astronauts, the three to the left being Matchbox Mega-Rigs, the chap to the right being the unknown, like Wing Mau but smaller chap we've seen before, he differs from that example in having a numeral '1' on his base suggesting cavity codes, not pose numbers?

Astronaut; Ben 10; Bendy Robots; Bendy Toys; Capsule Toys; Captain Video; Clown Figurine; Crater Critters; Epic Movie; Exogini; Gormiti; Gum-ball Prizes; Martians; Matchbox Toys; McDonalds Premiums; Mega Rigs Mega-Rigs; Pokemon; Post Rasin Bran; Premiums; Robot Set; Small Scale World;;
I first sorted this into the animal pile as a nice-looking humming-bird, but a closer look revealed saddlery! When I raised it with Chris, he managed to find some on feeBay and ten minutes later we had this link and the knowledge that they were McDonald's 'Happy Meal' premiums for Epic.

Seems to have been a good film, but swallowed-up by a couple of other blockbusters that summer (2013) and rather forgotten, I'd never heard of it; but I'm gonna' find it on DVD!

Astronaut; Ben 10; Bendy Robots; Bendy Toys; Capsule Toys; Captain Video; Clown Figurine; Crater Critters; Epic Movie; Exogini; Gormiti; Gum-ball Prizes; Martians; Matchbox Toys; McDonalds Premiums; Mega Rigs Mega-Rigs; Pokemon; Post Rasin Bran; Premiums; Robot Set; Small Scale World;;
Three bits of fun; a Crater Critter from R&L, a gum-ball lion with charm/key-ring loop, I had a loopless one, so that's a useful upgrade and a flocked rabbit, blowing a raspberry, who can stand-up or up-stand! I love this stuff!

Astronaut; Ben 10; Bendy Robots; Bendy Toys; Capsule Toys; Captain Video; Clown Figurine; Crater Critters; Epic Movie; Exogini; Gormiti; Gum-ball Prizes; Martians; Matchbox Toys; McDonalds Premiums; Mega Rigs Mega-Rigs; Pokemon; Post Rasin Bran; Premiums; Robot Set; Small Scale World;;
A mix of  . . . probably . . . Pokemon and/or Gormiti and/or Exogini and/or Ben10 &etc? It's impossible to follow all these with everything else going on, but there are plenty of sites carrying the information/data, for when it does all need to be sorted for 'proper'! Obviously; a robot dog with a kukri for a tail . . . IS a bit special!

Again, thanks to Chris for all we've seen in the last four posts, there is one item to come in a separate post, but there was plenty more than we've seen just-now, and it will all be sorted away and come back as full sets or in thematic posts months or even years from now as the Blog's still only a few % into the total of 'all-everything' figural!


  1. It probably isn't, but with a bit of white paint that looks like Lennie the Lion, without Terry hall.

  2. It probably could be Terra' the era's probably right? Call it an unlicensed knock-off and make the necessary allowances for artistic license?



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