
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

News, Views Etc . . . Herald Toys & Models

This is a bit old now, sorry, but stuff happens and the world turns-on without a backward glance, so suddenly a week or two have flown past!

Latest from Barney -

"We are pleased to announce the arrival of Part III of the Roger Saunders Collection. Roger built up an impressive collection of mainly Britains and Herald models over many years, including some old shop stock still in boxes. The latest installment includes some fine Britains English Civil War figures from Herald's Historical series."

D is for ♫♫♪ Ding Dong Bell ♫♪ Pussy's In The Well! ♪♫♪

Although it's Pussies without the apostrophe as I tried several likely felines and two of the shots worked to some extent;

Cake Decoration Well; Civilian Scenery; Ding Dong Bell; Farm Scenery; Farm Well; FG Taylor & Sons; FG Taylor Well; Lucky Well; Plastic Toy Well; Pussy's In The Well; Small Scale World;; Speedwell Well; Toy Well; Water Well; Wedding Cake Decoration; Well Cake Decorations; Well Toy; Well Well Well; Winding Handle; Wishing Well;
This is the F.G.Taylor well, suitably equipped with cats! The largest of the three we're about to look at, Barney had a nice copy a while back which I missed, slightly smaller and with a yellow roof and simpler, solid bucket/weight.

Cake Decoration Well; Civilian Scenery; Ding Dong Bell; Farm Scenery; Farm Well; FG Taylor & Sons; FG Taylor Well; Lucky Well; Plastic Toy Well; Pussy's In The Well; Small Scale World;; Speedwell Well; Toy Well; Water Well; Wedding Cake Decoration; Well Cake Decorations; Well Toy; Well Well Well; Winding Handle; Wishing Well;
Starting the post-proper with the smallest, I think we've looked at this before, but I recently combined the two ('storage' and 'here') samples together, which allows for a better look, although the text/captions render further blurb rather superfluous!

I believe these are all Hong Kong, but there may be a Western origin/influence there somewhere? It's similar to or loosly based-on the Marx well, but with the pivot-handle replaced by a more European winding-mechanism and rain-guard.

Cake Decoration Well; Civilian Scenery; Ding Dong Bell; Farm Scenery; Farm Well; FG Taylor & Sons; FG Taylor Well; Lucky Well; Plastic Toy Well; Pussy's In The Well; Small Scale World;; Speedwell Well; Toy Well; Water Well; Wedding Cake Decoration; Well Cake Decorations; Well Toy; Well Well Well; Winding Handle; Wishing Well;
This is the Speed'well-well! I thought it might be missing a winding-handle but apparently; this is it! Similar construction to the other two for the roof piece, but with the hidden studs of the smaller one, for a cleaner look.

Cake Decoration Well; Civilian Scenery; Ding Dong Bell; Farm Scenery; Farm Well; FG Taylor & Sons; FG Taylor Well; Lucky Well; Plastic Toy Well; Pussy's In The Well; Small Scale World;; Speedwell Well; Toy Well; Water Well; Wedding Cake Decoration; Well Cake Decorations; Well Toy; Well Well Well; Winding Handle; Wishing Well;
Back to the Taylor, I don't know if there was a lead version in the T&B days, but I don't think so? Although it would explain the studs coming through - to be flattened-down and hold the roof on? I'll try to find out!

Cake Decoration Well; Civilian Scenery; Ding Dong Bell; Farm Scenery; Farm Well; FG Taylor & Sons; FG Taylor Well; Lucky Well; Plastic Toy Well; Pussy's In The Well; Small Scale World;; Speedwell Well; Toy Well; Water Well; Wedding Cake Decoration; Well Cake Decorations; Well Toy; Well Well Well; Winding Handle; Wishing Well;

All of them together, sans felines! the smallest I think was only ever a cake-decoration (lucky or wishing-well), the chromium-finished one being presumably for wedding-cakes? Speedwell was always toward the 45-50mm bracket, while Taylor are doing the whole 1:32nd scale thing!

A follow-up post is here, then Barratt's well's have turned-up courtesy of Barney Brown of Herald Toys & Models

MMPR is for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

I know so little about the Power Rangers I thought I'd Google it to see if there was anything I should know and "Oh boy!" what a can of worms I dug-up! Homophobia, exploitation of non-unionised actors, racism, a US TV-show using stock-footage of three other Japanese shows crashed together with A-Team like footage shot on the backlots and in the valleys round LA (funny how the 'City of Angels' has so much filth and darkness attached to it), umpteen companies and or marketers involved, several license and character switches/arguments and, yes; it should have been 'morphing' with a 'g'. . . 'cos they morph into Power Rangers!

Anyhoos; the real reason for my Googling - what each colour means/represents and/or whether they have specific names - turned up that there were various people in each colour and one chap had three colours, so we can ignore the whole sorry mess and just look at an overview of the [non-action-] figures out there . . .

20th Century Fox; ABC Kids; Bandai Entertainment; Capsule Toys; Children's Television; Dairanger; Disney; Fox Kids; Galoob Micro Machines; Gosei Sentai Dairanger; Haim Saban; Hasbro; Japanese/American Superheroes; Japanese TV Series; Kakuranger; Kellogg's Frosties; Kiba Ranger; Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger; Lionsgate; Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; MMPR Productions; Nickelodeon; Ninja Sentai Kakuranger; Power Rangers; Power Rangers franchise; Power Rangers Samurai; Regency Village Theater; Saban Brands; Saban Entertainment; Super Sentai; Toei's; White Ranger; Zyuranger;
My sample in its entirety (actually that's not strictly true, there may be some more, somewhere else?), bottom row are all 20mm oddities, which I assume are from gum-ball/capsule machines, top row will be looked at last in this post and we're about to look at the larger ones but the lone yellow chap in a Ranger'esque bodysuit (far right middle row) is, I think, from a Mega Bloks set - they clip into the gap between four studs?

20th Century Fox; ABC Kids; Bandai Entertainment; Capsule Toys; Children's Television; Dairanger; Disney; Fox Kids; Galoob Micro Machines; Gosei Sentai Dairanger; Haim Saban; Hasbro; Japanese/American Superheroes; Japanese TV Series; Kakuranger; Kellogg's Frosties; Kiba Ranger; Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger; Lionsgate; Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; MMPR Productions; Nickelodeon; Ninja Sentai Kakuranger; Power Rangers; Power Rangers franchise; Power Rangers Samurai; Regency Village Theater; Saban Brands; Saban Entertainment; Super Sentai; Toei's; White Ranger; Zyuranger;
These were probably also capsule 'prizes' although whether they all came originally in a key-ring casket or not, I don't know. I suspect that - in common with a lot of this stuff - they had as many marketing iterations as could be thought-up for them, in various parts of the world, by various wholesalers!

20th Century Fox; ABC Kids; Bandai Entertainment; Capsule Toys; Children's Television; Dairanger; Disney; Fox Kids; Galoob Micro Machines; Gosei Sentai Dairanger; Haim Saban; Hasbro; Japanese/American Superheroes; Japanese TV Series; Kakuranger; Kellogg's Frosties; Kiba Ranger; Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger; Lionsgate; Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; MMPR Productions; Nickelodeon; Ninja Sentai Kakuranger; Power Rangers; Power Rangers franchise; Power Rangers Samurai; Regency Village Theater; Saban Brands; Saban Entertainment; Super Sentai; Toei's; White Ranger; Zyuranger;
Full-on 54mm Power Rangers, I need to find a pink one, and a lose blue one would be useful for the full set, produced for Kellogg's Frosties by Crocco (who also supplied other stuff to the rival Weetabix I think?), there is a glow-in-the-dark white one to find as well; the usual likelihood of finding a green one or a white one are unlikely, both are the unloved Power Rangers in Toyland, so it's refreshing to see Crocco doing one of them!

20th Century Fox; ABC Kids; Bandai Entertainment; Capsule Toys; Children's Television; Dairanger; Disney; Fox Kids; Galoob Micro Machines; Gosei Sentai Dairanger; Haim Saban; Hasbro; Japanese/American Superheroes; Japanese TV Series; Kakuranger; Kellogg's Frosties; Kiba Ranger; Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger; Lionsgate; Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; MMPR Productions; Nickelodeon; Ninja Sentai Kakuranger; Power Rangers; Power Rangers franchise; Power Rangers Samurai; Regency Village Theater; Saban Brands; Saban Entertainment; Super Sentai; Toei's; White Ranger; Zyuranger;
Galoob Micromachines, except, not MM size, closer to Action Fleet/Battle Squads, but without the action figure element. Red's trike is a trike, but Blue and Black both get sidecar combinations which can be converted into plain motorcycles for a bit of variety! I'm missing a blue with both hands up - like Yellow (below).

20th Century Fox; ABC Kids; Bandai Entertainment; Capsule Toys; Children's Television; Dairanger; Disney; Fox Kids; Galoob Micro Machines; Gosei Sentai Dairanger; Haim Saban; Hasbro; Japanese/American Superheroes; Japanese TV Series; Kakuranger; Kellogg's Frosties; Kiba Ranger; Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger; Lionsgate; Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; MMPR Productions; Nickelodeon; Ninja Sentai Kakuranger; Power Rangers; Power Rangers franchise; Power Rangers Samurai; Regency Village Theater; Saban Brands; Saban Entertainment; Super Sentai; Toei's; White Ranger; Zyuranger;
Black (who was African American!), and the two girls; Yellow (Asian - Red was a Native American!) and pink (her parents probably vote Trump!). Black was the last of the original line-up to leave (citing racism), upon which a member of the production crew suggested he'd never got on with the rest of the cast & crew - despite lasting longest?

Read the whole thing on Wikipedia, it's everything that's wrong with capital, marketing, pop-culture and licensing!

20th Century Fox; ABC Kids; Bandai Entertainment; Capsule Toys; Children's Television; Dairanger; Disney; Fox Kids; Galoob Micro Machines; Gosei Sentai Dairanger; Haim Saban; Hasbro; Japanese/American Superheroes; Japanese TV Series; Kakuranger; Kellogg's Frosties; Kiba Ranger; Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger; Lionsgate; Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; MMPR Productions; Nickelodeon; Ninja Sentai Kakuranger; Power Rangers; Power Rangers franchise; Power Rangers Samurai; Regency Village Theater; Saban Brands; Saban Entertainment; Super Sentai; Toei's; White Ranger; Zyuranger;
Putty Patrollers -  yeah, well; whatever was happening behind the cameras, it WAS aimed at kids! These are the bad guys. Galoob never got round to green or white Power Rangers.

If anyone can help with ID's on the smallies, that would be appreciated, they may be like Kinder, with little simplified vehicles, but with 7,000+ results for 'Power Rangers Figures' on evilBay I wasn't going to hang-around and try to find out!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Савельев, Борис Дмитриевич is for Savelyev, Boris Dmitrievich (1928 - 2019)

Following an interesting fortnight on the Friends of Plastic Warrior Faceplant page, in which mostly Polish-produced stuff has been the center of attention, there was a sort of side-bar, which went-off to look at Russian flats at one point, in the course of which I found two pages which seem to reveal someone who could be considered as important to Soviet-era toy soldier production as say our own George Musgrave or the Scandinavian Holgar Eriksson.

This is not to ignore any or all the other well-known sculptor's, of which there are lots now known, we've already looked at another Russian one (Lev Razumovsky) here but to compare him with two who were A) prolific and B) left their mark on the products of many brands. And I must credit Wojciech Gudaczewski with pointing me toward the two pages, by mentioning Mr Savelyev in the first place.

Борис Дмитриевич Савельев, Борис Дмитриевич, Savelyev, Boris Dmitrievich, 1928 - 2019, Friends of Plastic Warrior, Soviet-era toy soldiers, Toy Soldier Production, George Musgrave, Holgar Eriksson, Lev Razumovsky,  Ilya Barkov, My Collection,  Shakhovskoy Museum, Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev, The Battle of Stalingrad, Soviet Union Toys, Mechanical Clockwork Toy Factory, Moscow, The Ostashevskaya Toy Factory, The Malysh Factory, The Astretsovskaya Factory, Warriors of the Middle Ages, Horsemen of 1812, B.D. Savelyeva, URA Brand, Cavalry, Red Cavalry, Warriors of the Soviet Army, Warriors of the Middle Ages, Borys Dymytrowicz Sawlejew.

The first link is an article on a recent (2016) exhibition on the great artist's work juxtaposed with the modelling-clay efforts of a young man - Ilya Barkov - who is obviously (one hopes) going to go far himself!

Original article (in Russian) is here . . .

. . . and translates thus;


06/09/2016 The works of the oldest toy sculptor in Russia are presented at the exhibition "My Collection" in the Shakhovskoy Museum.

The exhibition "My Collection" has started in the Shakhovsky Museum.

The exhibition features collections of two masters: the novice Ilya Barkov and the oldest toy sculptor of modern Russia, Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev.

Ilya Barkov is a 13-year-old schoolboy from the village of Dubranivka. He makes his soldiers from plasticine. In 2014, his panorama “The Battle of Stalingrad” won first place in the “Modeling. Embossed Modeling "in the category" 10-12 years "at the regional exhibition-show of arts and crafts" Craftsmanship and Inspiration ".

Now Ilya has presented 35 of his works, including: French and Russian soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars era, Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, medieval warriors, as well as an Afghan war veteran and two characters from the Stalker game.

Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev during his life created hundreds of models of soldiers (and not only them), which were issued in millions of copies, and became known not only throughout the Soviet Union, but also in other countries.

The toys created by Boris Dmitrievich were produced at the mechanical clockwork toy factory (Moscow), the Ostashevskaya toy factory, the Malysh factory, and the Astretsovskaya factory of metal products. Perhaps the most famous items of the master are the sets of soldiers "Cavalry" (six red cavalrymen and a tachanka), "Warriors of the Middle Ages" (four Russian horsemen and four Teutonic knights), "Horsemen of 1812" (17 different figures of Russian and French cavalry).

Now the soldiers B.D. Savelyeva launches the URA! Brand

On June 14, Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev will turn 88 years old. The exhibition "My Collection" is timed to this date.

See the work of B.D. Savelyev and Ilya Barkov are available until August 12, 2016.

In preparing the material, the article by Timur Zamilov “The oldest Russian master. To the 85th anniversary of Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev "// Old Tseikhgauz.- 2014.- №1 (57). - S. 93-96."

Борис Дмитриевич Савельев, Борис Дмитриевич, Savelyev, Boris Dmitrievich, 1928 - 2019, Friends of Plastic Warrior, Soviet-era toy soldiers, Toy Soldier Production, George Musgrave, Holgar Eriksson, Lev Razumovsky,  Ilya Barkov, My Collection,  Shakhovskoy Museum, Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev, The Battle of Stalingrad, Soviet Union Toys, Mechanical Clockwork Toy Factory, Moscow, The Ostashevskaya Toy Factory, The Malysh Factory, The Astretsovskaya Factory, Warriors of the Middle Ages, Horsemen of 1812, B.D. Savelyeva, URA Brand, Cavalry, Red Cavalry, Warriors of the Soviet Army, Warriors of the Middle Ages, Borys Dymytrowicz Sawlejew.
The other link is to an obituary written shortly after his passing last year

Original article (also in Russian) is here . . .

. . . and translates thus;

"Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev. Toy soldiers

4 September 2019

In memory of the master of our childhood. Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev. He died on August 30, 2019. He was 91 years old ...

Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev.

I guess many older and middle-aged people are familiar with these figures? With them passed our childhood (and not only ours), with them we had our first combat experience in battles on the carpet, in the sandbox or on the school window sill.

What is a soldier? This is a tiny visualization of history and our understanding of it. Small plastic and zinc-aluminum symbol. Whether it was successfully implemented by the heavy Soviet industry or not, we understood this much later, growing up. But when we were five years old, these were our fighters and they fought and died bravely.

It seems to me that this familiar one, "Cavalry", "Red Cavalry", more rare "Warriors of the Soviet Army", "Warriors of the Middle Ages" are very successful fighters.

As experts of soldier construction rightly point out, this is a real “patriarch of Soviet toys and soldiers”.

I admit that I am not an expert in toy soldiers at all, but I appreciate excellent authors of all genres. It was thought that finding out the name of this well-known and unknown person to all of us would be interesting to many former children of the USSR, well, to the envious young generation.

Unfortunately, everything related to the production of soldiers and the legendary personalities of the world of soldier building is more like rumors and myths. As far as it was possible to find out, Boris Dmitrievich, until very recently, continued to do his wonderful work and new fighters came out of his hands, produced in small editions of a firm known to collectors.

Undoubtedly, Boris Mikhailovich Savelyev is a part of our history.


Борис Дмитриевич Савельев, Борис Дмитриевич, Savelyev, Boris Dmitrievich, 1928 - 2019, Friends of Plastic Warrior, Soviet-era toy soldiers, Toy Soldier Production, George Musgrave, Holgar Eriksson, Lev Razumovsky,  Ilya Barkov, My Collection,  Shakhovskoy Museum, Boris Dmitrievich Savelyev, The Battle of Stalingrad, Soviet Union Toys, Mechanical Clockwork Toy Factory, Moscow, The Ostashevskaya Toy Factory, The Malysh Factory, The Astretsovskaya Factory, Warriors of the Middle Ages, Horsemen of 1812, B.D. Savelyeva, URA Brand, Cavalry, Red Cavalry, Warriors of the Soviet Army, Warriors of the Middle Ages, Borys Dymytrowicz Sawlejew.

The second one is a Blog and there is other useful toy soldier stuff on there but I found it hard to navigate around and some of it seems to be composed of dead-links or dead image files, despite being quite recent, so some reblogging going on I think, my Russian is non-existent!

For Polish speakers, he can also be written - Borys Dymytrowicz Sawlejew.

Also you will see from the links he is credited with the figures we looked at the other day, courtesy of Chris Smith and there's two more poses and another colour!

Six days later; and it's nice to see that TJF was paying attention - he'd be lost for ideas without me!

May 2021; The figures used to illustrate the above are now recognized as the output of Malysh, one of the Moscow toy collective factories!

V is for Variation on a Theme

I've pointed out before that two board games in particular (Monopoly and Cludo) have become marketing vehicles for the parting of money from fools, but others (Risk, Axis & Allies) get the multiple-version treatment, today it's back to Cludo / Clue.

With pop-culture dominating the non-work sphere of western or developed-world existence we will return to both as often as I find them in charity-shops - not being a fool, I wouldn't be seen dead paying-full for any of them, even if they did a Terminator Risk in 20mm with artwork by Moebius and figures sculpted by H. Geiger!

Board Game; Board Game Playing Pieces; Boardgame Pieces; Cludo; Clue; Cluedo; Cluedo SuperSleuth; Parker Board Game; Parker Brothers; Parker Games; Parker Toys; Small Scale World;; Supersleuth; Waddington's; Waddingtons Games;
Un-boxing is easier as a .gif; there's a lot in here and it's been expanded to eight players, with three supports and 12 rooms, an expensive way of making a slower and more complicated version of an old favourite.

Board Game; Board Game Playing Pieces; Boardgame Pieces; Cludo; Clue; Cluedo; Cluedo SuperSleuth; Parker Board Game; Parker Brothers; Parker Games; Parker Toys; Small Scale World;; Supersleuth; Waddington's; Waddingtons Games;
Endless (or 32?) alternate set-ups, but I think the positioning of the entrance hall/lobby may limit that choise-total, each is a separate card and there are some plastic crosses (x marks lots of spots) and magnifying glasses (which like the cracker-toy novelties do actually work!) that can be liberally sprinkled about the place like a fantasy games-master setting rat-traps!

Board Game; Board Game Playing Pieces; Boardgame Pieces; Cludo; Clue; Cluedo; Cluedo SuperSleuth; Parker Board Game; Parker Brothers; Parker Games; Parker Toys; Small Scale World;; Supersleuth; Waddington's; Waddingtons Games;

The figures; only reason I care about the existence of any of these re-hashes, the three supernumeraries are the ones with square bases, the eight player-pieces get round bases, all nicely sculpted with parquet flooring - which matches . . . err . . . none of the rooms!

They are reasonable for 25/28mm gaming, and with the Victorian air, would suit Steampunk or the HG Wells/Jules Verne/H. R-Haggard anchored stuff, or even Edwardian 'Hardboiled' stuff.

Board Game; Board Game Playing Pieces; Boardgame Pieces; Cludo; Clue; Cluedo; Cluedo SuperSleuth; Parker Board Game; Parker Brothers; Parker Games; Parker Toys; Small Scale World;; Supersleuth; Waddington's; Waddingtons Games;
Ably assisted - as always - by my late assistant, little did she know that 31 days later she would be joining the 99.9r% of everything that ever lived, a message hidden there for the meat-faced loons who don't think we've entered the most serious existential-threat phase of our evolution? She is sorely missed.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

M is for My Busy Bot's

It was only the other day I was saying that appart form a couple of earlier sets and the Transformers, I'd pretty-much caught-up with the Phidal 'My busy book' figure collections, and what happens? Next time I'm in a charity shop ('bout 3-weeks ago) I find the Transformer set!

Anime; Autobots; Grandizer; Manga; Manga Characters; Manzinger Z; My Busy Books; Phidal; Phidal Publishing; Robot Set; Robots; Small Scale World;; Super Grandisers; Transformer; Transformer Tank; Transformers; Transforming Robots;
Two-quid-fourty-nine seems cheap, but actually it's only about half that which TK-TJ Maxx have been retailing them at (are still; this is a contemporary set), I prefer to find my charity-shop Phidal's around the 99p/£1.50 mark, but; it was mint, and it does get us closer to the total aim of all sets ticked-off!

Actually, from the odd figures that have been coming-in alongside the books over the last three or so years, it's a fair assumption that I still have at least two of the earlier Superhero sets to find/complete, several Disney figure sets including at least one more 'Princesses' set and quite a few of the other movie brand-licensed sets, Minions, Incredibles, something with insects, a couple of Monster Inc. sets &etc, so we'll still be returning to them for a while yet!

Anime; Autobots; Grandizer; Manga; Manga Characters; Manzinger Z; My Busy Books; Phidal; Phidal Publishing; Robot Set; Robots; Small Scale World;; Super Grandisers; Transformer; Transformer Tank; Transformers; Transforming Robots;
This is one of the rarer sets in having ten items rather than twelve, but this seems to be a growing (budgetary?) trend as the other 10-count sets are contemporary, while sets with much larger-sized figures from a few years ago are always 12-count sets, while these were not that large and therefore rattle about a bit?

Anime; Autobots; Grandizer; Manga; Manga Characters; Manzinger Z; My Busy Books; Phidal; Phidal Publishing; Robot Set; Robots; Small Scale World;; Super Grandisers; Transformer; Transformer Tank; Transformers; Transforming Robots;
Dismissing the micro-vehicles (which - like the robot figures - don't actually transform) leaves us with a bunch of six robots which while 'micro' as Transformers, are fine for sci-fi scenarios of the Terminator type in 54mm - bargain!

And I'll reiterate a point I've made before (just to annoy a few people who need annoying occasionally) while the Airfix figure is sitting there . . .

. . . Airfix produced 33 sets in 54mm (if you include both sets of British paratroops and the 'styrene track-officials and race-goers), it took them nearly 30-years to get them all out and more than half of them appeared in the latter half of that production-window.

While Phidal have been going since . . . around 2006/7 I think - going on the dates on the bases - and we have already got 30 entries in the tag list with little duplication (one Frozen set stared twice I think), with up to a dozen (or more?) still to find? And - some of those tags are including two or more sets!

So when people bemoan the state of the hobby, they are missing the point that while the stuff they had as kids in the 1950's or '80's might not be there (actually it is, just hideously expensive and aimed at them - only if they're earning the mullah!), the genre, the 'play-point' is as healthy as ever.

Anyway; that's the Transformers, what next?

Saturday, September 26, 2020

T is for Two - Follow-ups

A couple of things which pertain to recent posts, or maybe not so recent in the case of the second item, but which can go together for an eclectic post!

Academy; Charles W. Morgan; Circa 1835; FFL; Foreign Legion; Foreign Legionaries; French Foreign Legion; Hobby Kits; Injecta Plastic; Injectaplastic; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Jouets Super Plastic; Jouets Super Plastics; JSP; Life Like; Life-Like; Lifelike; Minicraft; New Bedford Whaler; Pirate Day; Pirate Novelty; Pirate Toy; Pirates; Plastic Pirates; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Pyro; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; TLAPD; Toy Pirates; Whaling Ship;
I was very impressed by Brian's pictures of the Charles W. Morgan (I nearly wrote Henry!) the other day and he sent a couple of uncropped/cheat shots to show how they are done. This one shows how he got the horizon shots, and it was simpler than I'd imagined, he just held them up to the sky!

Academy; Charles W. Morgan; Circa 1835; FFL; Foreign Legion; Foreign Legionaries; French Foreign Legion; Hobby Kits; Injecta Plastic; Injectaplastic; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Jouets Super Plastic; Jouets Super Plastics; JSP; Life Like; Life-Like; Lifelike; Minicraft; New Bedford Whaler; Pirate Day; Pirate Novelty; Pirate Toy; Pirates; Plastic Pirates; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Pyro; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; TLAPD; Toy Pirates; Whaling Ship;
While here Brian's using natural light to get those atmospheric shadows. I can't get these results outside with my little Nikon's, I have to find shade, use a tripod and then employ flash, yet still get quite smoky or flat shots (as the recent and forthcoming board-game pictures attest), if I tried this kind of shot (without flash) they'd be blurry.

I used to get better outdoor results with the old Fuji Finepix's, but they were also the least robust and shortest-lived of the five cameras I've had now, and six I've used since 2007, so it's a 'swings and roundabouts' thing with these digital cameras and you just have to try and see!

Academy; Charles W. Morgan; Circa 1835; FFL; Foreign Legion; Foreign Legionaries; French Foreign Legion; Hobby Kits; Injecta Plastic; Injectaplastic; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Jouets Super Plastic; Jouets Super Plastics; JSP; Life Like; Life-Like; Lifelike; Minicraft; New Bedford Whaler; Pirate Day; Pirate Novelty; Pirate Toy; Pirates; Plastic Pirates; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Pyro; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; TLAPD; Toy Pirates; Whaling Ship;
Meanwhile I managed to score these from Mike Harding, who always seems to find interesting things. Three FFL from somewhere, when I got the other one (below) a while back (Plastic Warrior Show 2019) someone suggested Argentina I think, but I'm now wondering if they might not be JSP or their Portuguese suppliers (Injectaplatic) as they are that same stiff 'Macau' PVC?

Academy; Charles W. Morgan; Circa 1835; FFL; Foreign Legion; Foreign Legionaries; French Foreign Legion; Hobby Kits; Injecta Plastic; Injectaplastic; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Jouets Super Plastic; Jouets Super Plastics; JSP; Life Like; Life-Like; Lifelike; Minicraft; New Bedford Whaler; Pirate Day; Pirate Novelty; Pirate Toy; Pirates; Plastic Pirates; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Pyro; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; TLAPD; Toy Pirates; Whaling Ship;
And there's clearly at least two colourways, I wonder if there mightn't be blue ones turn-up at some point, If they are Injecta'/JSP the three poses would make sense, as that is how they sold the slightly smaller Romans, one mounted and two foot per card?

I have no evidence either way, but will put both names in the tags for now. Taken from Timpo, obviously, but probably from hollow-casts, the binocular guy wasn't produced in plastic by Toy Importers?

H is for How They Come In - Eclectic Lot!

I haven't managed (read; wasn't bothered-) to get up to town for a couple of weeks so these are from about three weeks ago? And only a few pieces from three different shops, to make an eclectic group of odds!

Ceramic Soldier; ELC Fantasy Figures; Fairings; Flamenco Dancer; Foamed Resin; Hasbro Scooby Doo; Manzinger Z; Medieval Toy Figure; Mixed Lot; Mixed Novelties; Mixed Playthings; Mixed Scale Figures; Mixed Toy Figurines; Mixed Toy Soldiers; PVC Figurines; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Robot Grandizer; Small Scale World;;
The lightweight foamed-resin flamenco dancer and the china fairing of a Wellintonian officer were from British Heart Foundation in Farnborough I think, she being similar to the Reamsa one, he needing a plume-repair, the three little ones were from a rummage-tray in Scope while the ELC knight (another one!) was a shelf-jobbie in BHF Fleet.

Ceramic Soldier; ELC Fantasy Figures; Fairings; Flamenco Dancer; Foamed Resin; Hasbro Scooby Doo; Manzinger Z; Medieval Toy Figure; Mixed Lot; Mixed Novelties; Mixed Playthings; Mixed Scale Figures; Mixed Toy Figurines; Mixed Toy Soldiers; PVC Figurines; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Robot Grandizer; Small Scale World;;
From the other side! It's all grist to the mill, literally, the amount of stuff out there means that no one can have everything, but the wider the net is cast the bigger the picture that can be drawn-in!

Ceramic Soldier; ELC Fantasy Figures; Fairings; Flamenco Dancer; Foamed Resin; Hasbro Scooby Doo; Manzinger Z; Medieval Toy Figure; Mixed Lot; Mixed Novelties; Mixed Playthings; Mixed Scale Figures; Mixed Toy Figurines; Mixed Toy Soldiers; PVC Figurines; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Robot Grandizer; Small Scale World;;
All marked Hasbro, the hound doing a Ghostbusters impersonation came in only the other day - hence my grabbing the two boys when I saw them - either from Charity or from Peter or Chris, I can't remember now, but it means I've probably only got the two girls to find . . . maybe some 'monsters'? That is; evil, humourless, money-grubbing, local conservative types dressed as monsters!

I love the magnified eye painted on the glass!

Later the same day - err . . . no! The Hound is doing a Sherlock Holmes impersonation, it's Shaggy who's channeling the Ghostbusters!

Friday, September 25, 2020

H is for Hungarian Herdsman Hurls Hose

I only have the sellers word for this being Hungarian, but there's no reason to not believe that he is until otherwise informed by better or more empirical data, given as how he arrived from Hungary yesterday, with Hungarian postage, tax-form an'all!

Cavity 118; Gun Belt; Hungarian Cowboy; Hungarian Manufacturer; Hungarian Toy Soldiers; MPC 118; MPC Cowboys; MPC Ring-Hand's; MPC Wild West; Pistol; Pistol Belt; Rifle; Ring-Hand Figure; Small Scale World;; Soviet Era Figures; Soviet Era Toys;
When I saw him I thought he might be a copy of a Pecos figure as scale was hard to judge and I didn't bother looking it up, it was going for a song so I just grabbed it! He's actually a copy of the generic MPC pose; cavity 118, which was issued as a cowboy among others.

While the rifle (oversized) fits one hand and the belt is definitely ex-MPC, the pistol has too-big a grip to fit in the ring-hand so may be of an other origin and the 'iron bar' or hose he's about to crack someone over the head with seems to be a polyethylene scrap taken from the lip or lid of some container and probably has nothing to do with the original figure! Although it might be the chewed end of another rifle?

Cavity 118; Gun Belt; Hungarian Cowboy; Hungarian Manufacturer; Hungarian Toy Soldiers; MPC 118; MPC Cowboys; MPC Ring-Hand's; MPC Wild West; Pistol; Pistol Belt; Rifle; Ring-Hand Figure; Small Scale World;; Soviet Era Figures; Soviet Era Toys;

The base lacks the usual MPC markings so it would seem to be the knock-off and when the MPC turn up (garage!) I'll compare him with the hand-up guy - if I have him? Accessories on the right, and it's Hungary in the tag-list!

Nice to see - later the same day - that 'Dan Morgan' was paying attention!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

R is for return to Ra, Ramses, Wrapped Wraiths and the Republic of K&M

And this time Mummy is included!

When I posted these the other day I had been labouring under the impression I had been sent 'both' rival sets (by Peter Evans - many thanks) for what would have been a comprehensive showing, but as I was editing them up, I realised there was a third set, which I had missed and while I mentioned it in the blurb then, I thought I'd better get one to compare.

Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egyptians; Anubis; Bastet; Egyptian Deities; Egyptian Gods; Egyptian Model Figures; Egyptian Mummies; Egyptian Pyramid; Egyptian Toy Figures; Egyptian Toy Pyramid; Egyptian Toy Soldiers; Godesses; Gods of Egypt; Horus; Isis; K&M; K&M Egyptians; K&M Figures; K&M Rack Toy; Matt; nefertiti; Osaris; PVC Egyptians; Safari; Safari Egyptians; Scarab; Small Scale World;; Sphinx; Toob; Toth; Vally of the Kings; Wild Republic;
Midway between Safari's Toob and the header-carded bag of the current Wild Republic set we looked at a couple of months ago, this sliding blister with backing card contains ten items which are also halfway between the content lists of the aforementioned sets, with the obvious difference that this set contains two full-sized (to the sets figures) mummies, one a Pharaoh the other more ambiguous, and capable of being a child in larger scales.

All bar the Tut' death mask are clearly marked with the parents K&M like the astronauts, and quality of paint and sculpting is better than the current set and equal-to or even slightly superior to the Safari set. Note that the Isis / Maat figure's wings were glued-on upside down in the factory/finishing location.

Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egyptians; Anubis; Bastet; Egyptian Deities; Egyptian Gods; Egyptian Model Figures; Egyptian Mummies; Egyptian Pyramid; Egyptian Toy Figures; Egyptian Toy Pyramid; Egyptian Toy Soldiers; Godesses; Gods of Egypt; Horus; Isis; K&M; K&M Egyptians; K&M Figures; K&M Rack Toy; Matt; nefertiti; Osaris; PVC Egyptians; Safari; Safari Egyptians; Scarab; Small Scale World;; Sphinx; Toob; Toth; Vally of the Kings; Wild Republic;
Comparisons with their own replacements (lower left) and Safari's effort (upper right) reveal that the pyramids and sphinx might have influenced Safari (rather than the other way round as I might have assumed), certainly the K&M ones are slightly larger and better sculpted.

The internal comparison is more interesting for - as well as being unmarked - the newer set has a very slight loss of detail on things like the detailing of the surface of the sarcophagus, or the muzzles of the two standing gods, but parallels are there under 'the glass', so it would seem K&M pantographed their own set to make duplicates of the five items carried-over to the newer iteration?

Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egyptians; Anubis; Bastet; Egyptian Deities; Egyptian Gods; Egyptian Model Figures; Egyptian Mummies; Egyptian Pyramid; Egyptian Toy Figures; Egyptian Toy Pyramid; Egyptian Toy Soldiers; Godesses; Gods of Egypt; Horus; Isis; K&M; K&M Egyptians; K&M Figures; K&M Rack Toy; Matt; nefertiti; Osaris; PVC Egyptians; Safari; Safari Egyptians; Scarab; Small Scale World;; Sphinx; Toob; Toth; Vally of the Kings; Wild Republic;
Painting has also and obviously been simplified on the newer set. The wings being loose on the previously purchased newer set and upside-down on the newly-arrived older set, meant I could have them all off and studied before gluing them firmly back, correctly in place with plumbers PVC pipe-weald!

The older set has studs on the wings location into dimples in the back of the godesses arms, while a reversal has the newer girls wings drilled through to take studs from the backs of her arms.

As the older one has better paint and a dais to kneel on, she will - henceforth - be Isis, while the red-winged junior (?) Maat (or Ma'at) can supplicate on the floor before her!

News, Views Etc . . . Vectis - Late September

Another month, and harking back to the similar August post, New Zealand and Singapore are now clear of Covid, while our stats go up and America tops the 200,000 mark with no real sign of a slow-down or effective management

This week's Vectis sales (missed one yesterday; mostly Matchbox die-casts) sale details are as follows

Lot 5756 (mostly Oxford Diecast)
Thursday 24th September 2020
Specialist Sale Featuring The Doug Osborn Matchbox & Dinky Collection
Sale starts 10:00am

"The Specialist sale to be held on the 24th of September features The Doug Osborn Matchbox Dinky collection, 477 lots of boxed and unboxed models. The collection includes pre-production Trial models, unreleased, unpainted and unusual variation models, plus, promotional variations, R&D Staff Signed models, colour trials and code 2 models. The collection also includes Gift Sets and pewter models, plus collection books, reissues, and Atlas Editions. The sale will also include 67 lots of Matchbox Yesteryears from the Matchbox Retailer Collection and further items from other vendors including Matchbox, Dinky, Corgi and others."

Lot 6344

Thursday 25th September 2020
Toy & Model Train & Railway Sale

Sale starts 10:00am

"The Model Train sale to be held on the 25th of September starts with almost 200 lots of OO Gauge British Outline from Hornby, Bachmann Lima and others, and includes a Single Owner Collection. The sale continues with HO American Continental Outline, N Gauge, Hoe, Hornby Dublo 2-, and 3-rail plus Xrail and Acho. The sale will also include Wrenn, Triang, Triang TT, OO Gauge Kit/Kitbuilt, Live Steam, and O Gauge from Hornby and others; the sale will conclude with Books, Magazines, Catalogues & Railwayana and our usual good selection of General Trains."

Online and Download of Catalogue

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