
Sunday, November 29, 2020

N is for Novelty . . . Guards - Kinder?

I know these were given to me by Peter Evans (who sent me another parcel the other day - most of which has been forwarded to Rack Toy Month), but I think they were among the first things he sent to the Blog about 11/12-years ago, in with a bunch of other stuff. I recognised them, as I'd been to his old place several years earlier and seen them on a little self (and admired them), so it was a nice gesture; packing them off to me!

But in those days the 'H is for...' trope hadn't been invented (except I did do a couple of show reports) here, so they got sorted away with the rest of the lot - HK stuff if I remember correctly?

30mm Guardsmen; 30mm Toy Figures; 30mm Toy Soldiers; Cake Decoration Figures; Cake Decorations; Factory Painted; Guards Band; Guards Division; Guards Drummer; Guards Musicians; Guardsman Toy Soldiers; Guardsmen; Hong Kong Novelty; Made in Hong Kong; Novelty Figures; Novelty Figurines; Novelty Guards; Novelty Toy Soldiers; Polystyrene Toy Soldiers; Sentries; Small Scale World;;
I've seen them described as Kinder, but suspect that was the over-enthusiasm of the early O-Ei-A authors who tended to label anything small enough to fit the capsule as a Kinder egg premium, when in fact these are probably cake decorations aping the Marx Babes in the Wood figures some of which were scaled-down for the Disney themed Miniature Masterpiece boxed 'playsets'.

I may even have a couple (probably damaged) in-with all the Marx Miniature Masterpiece odds somewhere, as these went almost straight into storage, and only came out recently. The guy in the middle is missing a plug-on bass-drum and has a truncated drum-stick.

I don't know how many poses there were in total, maybe six (an officer or drum-major being the obvious absentees?) would be neater than five, they're hard polystyrene and marked Hong Kong in tiny letters on the bases of the roughly 30mm figures. Cheers Peter!

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