
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

News, Views Etc . . . Plastic Warrior - Oooone'hundredd-and-eigghhtteeeeeeeeeee!

Or; B is for Better Late Than Never!

Magazine Review; Old Plastic Figures; Old Plastic Toys; Old Toy Soldiers; Plastic Figurines; Plastic Soldier Magazine; Plastic Soldiers; Plastic Toy Figures; Plastic Toys; Plastic Warrior; PW 180; PW Magazine; PW180; Small Scale World;; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Plastic Soldiers; Vintage Toy Figures; Vintage Toy Soldiers; Vintage Toys;
Many apologies (mostly to the editor Mr. P. Morehead), this was always going to be a late one as the Postal Farce fed the first review copy to one of their sorting machines . . . probably, but a second one was kindly supplied by Paul before the end of September, after which it was all my procrastinating, and little of it Real Life stuff, although Real Life stuff is looming, and not just Christmas, so well over due, but here it is!

Plastic Warrior magazine issue No. 180

* Peter Nussbaum is back with part 2 of his series on early medieval artillery with the hand-held 'devices' of the suicide squad! Examples from Publius, Perry Miniatures, Merten, Replicants, Barszo and others are shown.

* Andreas Dittmann tells the tale of Fredy Martin Schulz's Perry Rodan sci-fi figures.

* Beginning what I think will be an occasional series (or straight run?) of articles on Hong Kong figures, Chris Smith covers his own memories and the M-Toys branding of swoppet-clones, along with other points of note.

'What The !&*$?' carries an eclectic bunch of nameless orphans this issue;

  • ·         Trevor Rogers seeks more on Timpo clones
  • ·         Dogs in need of makers from Barney Brown (the Dougal's are from Triang's sugar-hunt game I think?)
  • ·         A Thunder-Box with BB on it needs deciphering
  • ·         Italian military Musicians need their 'R' attributing

* The editor throws together what seems to be a comprehensive (and fully illustrated) check-list of the Hilco 60mm production - like a mini 'Special' within the quarterly mag'!

* An article on Wild West premiums by Gerald Edwards mentions, Tudor Rose, Woolworth's and Poplar along with Sugar Puffs!

* Colin Penn covers Peter Pan Playthings cricket games and accessories.

* 'What's New' only has time for one set this issue, US cavalry from Replicants, but a bit out of the ordinary;

  • ·         US Dragoons of the 1840's (conversion potential?)

* Part the somethingth of Michael Hyde's ongoing series of ecclesiastical and religious figures brings us various Papal Guards, fascinating as there's ner' a Swiss pikeman among the interesting uniforms on parade this time.

* Finally - on the article front - 'Media Models' has a couple of interesting . . . no, you'll have to subscribe!

* 'Collectors Corner' is back with some very clever cavalry conversions using the Mexican officer from CTS, all the work (the Polish Winged Hussar is superb!) by Eric Kemp.

* There's also a sort of 'Letters Special' on Lone Star's white (and off-white) polymer production with imagery/contributions from - alphabetically; Brain Heaps, Daniel Lepers & Jack Shalatain.

* Reader's Letters is stuffed with items this time;

  • ·         Chris Goddard highlights a Lone Star auction lot
  • ·         Mathias Berthoux on JSF
  • ·         Joe Bellis follows-up Linburn
  • ·         Ian Thomson muses on Fontanini, HäT and 007, among other things!
  • ·         Eric Critchley muses on Lone Star miniatures . . .
  • ·         . . . and returns with more on Khaki Infantry
  • ·         Feedback on the Cresent-copy/Lido Wild West is sent in by Joe Bellis, Les Collier and Erik Critchley
  • ·         Nigel Lambourn sends more on Huntley & Palmer biscuit tins
  • ·         Steve Vickers sends Hong Kong Trojans

* While 'Book Review' (that's all the regulars this issue!) plugs the Timpo special issues from Figuren Magazine in Germany.

* The Editorial Page; 'News and Views and Other Stuff ' covers

  • ·         Page increase announcement
  • ·         Chicago show news
  • ·         PayPal announcement
  • ·         Postponement of this year's PW show
  • ·         Herne show news

* Covers this issue show shots of Replicants Navy & Marines, posed in vignettes by Ashley Needham.

All still presented in perfect technicolourfulness!

* PW's contact details;

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Website's deader than a dead-thing that paid Charon, crossed the Styx and went to Hades to have itself declared very dead.

Tel: 01483 722 778
Fax: 01483 722 723

And they are on PayPal


  1. Well, thank you . . . it's a pleasure mate, sorry it took so long, but it's been a bloody odd-year! Still; anyone subscribing from this issue will get their second quite quickly!



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