
Monday, December 20, 2021

M is for Monkey Business!

In the UK we are - I think it's fair to say - quite enamoured of our Chimp's Tea Parties; of which there are at least two plastic versions and three or four hollow-cast lead ones, but in France they went with a more natural setting for their apes to play in!

Apes; Chimpanzes; Clairet Accessories; Clairet France; French Figures; French Monkey Toys; French Toys; Monkey Acrobat; Monkey Novelties; Monkey Tree; Primates; Small Scale World;; Starlux Monkey Tree; Toy Monkeys;
On a busy table, with all sorts of other stuff going on (Asian deities, pencil sharpener Panzer III and submarine, gnomes, 'white button' mouse, enameled fish, HK copies of Crescent Romans & Swoppet's building, Russian flats, space set, Kinder figures . . . ); we have the Clairet monkey tree!

Apes; Chimpanzes; Clairet Accessories; Clairet France; French Figures; French Monkey Toys; French Toys; Monkey Acrobat; Monkey Novelties; Monkey Tree; Primates; Small Scale World;; Starlux Monkey Tree; Toy Monkeys;
The two primates have enough dynamism and the tree enough foliage-denuded branches for various set-ups, although I'm here to tell you a couple of spots of Blue-Tac would have helped!

Apes; Chimpanzes; Clairet Accessories; Clairet France; French Figures; French Monkey Toys; French Toys; Monkey Acrobat; Monkey Novelties; Monkey Tree; Primates; Small Scale World;; Starlux Monkey Tree; Toy Monkeys; 
Starlux did a similar one (images from 1975 (Colour) and '84 (B&W)), but with all arms up, there mightn't have been as much play-ability, although they had more hooky-hands, so could have been moved about the tree more easily and stayed where they were hung, so it's swings and roundabouts.

That's enough monkeying-around, get a grip!

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