
Monday, June 13, 2022

E is for the Elephants in the Room!

This is a fun post, mostly new to hobby, Blog and Internet - except eBay, where they all came from! Credeco, a new name to me a year-and-a-half ago when I bought the first of these (a couple were on another blog years ago), and while these have mostly been posted elsewhere in dribs and drabs over the last year, the article folder has been on the desktop for most of it, slowly being added to!

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
Where we 're up to now were up-to when this post had 12 images! Although there are more to find, a strange mix of wholly original sculpts of some ingenuity or imagination, and crude cut-n-shut copies of Britains Trojan warriors, from this lesser Spanish make, in the bazaar/rack-toy style.

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
This was the first one in the bag, he came with two other non-Credeco lots, and the seller (Miguel Angel) included a freebie (some Italian swoppet Wild West figures)! How could I not buy a War Elephant I'd never seen before!

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
Following up the seller's other lots while leaving feedback for the first three purchases lead to two more! One has a hole in it and I wondered if someone had cut the rider out, but I've seen another one others, which are the same (and now have a second, see below), with a rider in a different colour, so they may seem to have had single-moulding and two-part lines?

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
Equally, I'm not sure if this was factory paint or home paint, but I wasn't convinced as to the latter, so deciding on the former, shot the hell out of it (in case) before sending it to the bleach vats for an overnight snooze. Either way it's not good painting.

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
Overnight snooze in the bleach vat!

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
Gives me a unit of 35mm Carthaginians! They're not terribly realistic, obviously, but no worse that certain Cherilea output I could mention - and often have! They are, after all, proper 'toy' soldiers first, and I imagine if not actual sobres, as least kiosko! The red soldier may be missing a spear-tip, standard or sun-shade of some kind? Also they fit quite well with the Rojas e Malaret board-game war elephant.

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
By now I was on a roll, or a quest, found the mounted ones I'd remembered elsewhere, and managed to grab these two with the blue one in the final image, obviously taken from Britains Trojans, one is just near copy ('Ulysses', right) with a head swap, but the other ('Ajax') has had his broadsword replaced with a rather crude spear.

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
The Ulysses knock-off has a hole in his shield which seems deliberate, but has no apparent function and may be something like a broken mould release-pin that somehow got stuck or fired into the figure?

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
'Paris', Troy! The archer gets the biggest makeover, losing his bow, arrow and quiver in favour of a sword and dagger, which rather leaves him looking like an over acting character hamming-it-up in a pantomime!

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
The final purchase (for now then) was these three, it was the Roman on a camel I'd remembered (or found in the archive folder for Creadeco, which is the same thing; that's the whole point of the archive!), 'Hector' loses his javelin in favour of an axe, and a wood-axe at that! He also gets a head swap, while 'Achillies' now has Hector's head and a move of his sword-arm, both have been given new hoplon shields.

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
The mounted figure is the best (and I love the elephants), and why not, the Roman empire had a vast desert boarder in North Africa/the Middle East, camels are recorded as coming west with Darius and/or Xerxes, so whether Roman or Greek (Carthaginian or Trojan) why not have him on a camel, especially as his protagonist is an Arab! He's half Britains 'Agamemnon', and half the Marx cut-and-shut with came out of Hong Kong courtesy of Giant and others!

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
Yeah, I seem to have taken and awful lot of shots of them for some reason! Checking the old Trojan post here I wonder if these aren't actually copies of the 'believed to be' French bazzaar rack-toys, some of which are in that post?

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
The above has been ready for publication for some weeks (some months for the early drafts), but I took delivery of what will be it for a while, the other day so we plow-on, although no 'family photo' as the rest seem to have gone to storage!

This is another of the elephants with the hole, and you can see how a little diminutive figure is just stuffed in the hole like a cheap Hong Kong turret crewman! I think the silver on this is factory-paint, and having stripped the other, will probably leave this one as it is?

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
A couple of close-up's really taken to help me see if he was 'meant' and yes, that's all tool-machined marks round the feet, not a figure taken from a base. The trouble is, with my eyesight these days he could be mistaken for a damaged figure, and while it wouldn't stop me keeping him as a sample/example if I found him, I bet a lot of loose ones have been chucked-out as being [or; appearing to be] both damaged and odd-scale.

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
The horse is a ringer, taken off of a wagon team, so I still need another camel, but the figure is lovely! Tumanbay eat your heart out, my General Qulan rides again!

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
A few recent sellers on Todocollection, I think the archer may be an Atlantic roman stuffed in the hole? Evidence, so far, seems to point to four slightly different elephants, being two pairs of similar variations of the same sculpts, the one providing two with separate crew (head-spike and no head-spike), the other two with integral crew (sword & shield and sword & spear/parasol/standard?), and all possibly being variations of an original master, with leg and trunk changes?

Ajax and Achillies; Britains Agamemnon; Britains Ajax; Britains Greeks; Britains Hector; Britains Paris; Britains Trojans; Britains Ulysses the Mermidon; Britains Ulysses The Myrmidon; Carthage; Carthaginian War Elephants; Creadeco Carthaginians; Creadeco Greeks; Creadeco Romans; Creadeco Trojans; Creadeco War Elephants; Elephant Troops; Hannibal's Elephants; Jecsan Roman; Punic Wars; Roman Auxiliaries; Roman Soldiers; Small Scale World;; Spanish Toy Soldiers; War Elephants;
Finally, not Creadeco - this guy was bought with the two red ones, as I figured he might go with them, but he's a lot taller and was obviously a copy of something else - he looked familiar? He was neither the Elastolin or Reamsa pointing chaps (which I thought of first) the former's holding a scroll in the left hand, the latter is pointing the other way!

In the end he turned-out to be a copy of the Jecsan Centurion! He also looks slightly effete, like he can hardly be bothered to point anywhere with any seriousness! "You! Soldiers! Err . . . go over there and do . . . something useful, but don't trouble me again"

Creadeco Punic Wars - box nicely ticked I think!


  1. We were always told not to mention the elephant in the middle of the room.

    Here are a few more:

  2. I like the board game ones Jan! My recent comment about deletion isn't aimed at you, it was another comment which has already been gone'd my me!



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