
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

C is for Christmas Present . . . to Myself!

Did I already have a Christmas present to myself? Well, obviously it was a good Christmas! I'm only posting these as I haven't time to post what I was going to, and the final Sandown post has been declared 'Rump Post', broken up and sent back to the mixed files by subject!

Alexandre Dumas; Aramis; Athos; Charles de Batz de Castelmore; Count d'Artagnan; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Gardes Françaises; Gilbert France; Gilbert Plastic Toy Soldiers; Gilbert Toy Figures; Hugh Walter; Hugh Walter's Blog; Musketeers of the Guard; Plastic Toy Soldiers; Porthos; Small Scale World;; The Three Musketeers; The Vicomte de Bragelonne; Toy Figures; Toy Soldiers; Twenty Years After;
These are the Gilbert C15th Musketeers, although which is which I don't know and as they all have mustaches I can't even guess at a younger-than-the-other-three one, who might be considered to be d'Artagnan!

Alexandre Dumas; Aramis; Athos; Charles de Batz de Castelmore; Count d'Artagnan; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Gardes Françaises; Gilbert France; Gilbert Plastic Toy Soldiers; Gilbert Toy Figures; Hugh Walter; Hugh Walter's Blog; Musketeers of the Guard; Plastic Toy Soldiers; Porthos; Small Scale World;; The Three Musketeers; The Vicomte de Bragelonne; Toy Figures; Toy Soldiers; Twenty Years After;
Other colours and clear evidence (Top left) of multiple cavities, most are missing their swords which are just stiff wire heat-stuck into the gloved hands. I will replace mine in the fullness of time ad try to get a post out of it, I even found two lengths of case-hardened, gun-blacked piano or harp wire with a light dusting of rust on, the other day; just the thing to do the job with!

Alexandre Dumas; Aramis; Athos; Charles de Batz de Castelmore; Count d'Artagnan; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Gardes Françaises; Gilbert France; Gilbert Plastic Toy Soldiers; Gilbert Toy Figures; Hugh Walter; Hugh Walter's Blog; Musketeers of the Guard; Plastic Toy Soldiers; Porthos; Small Scale World;; The Three Musketeers; The Vicomte de Bragelonne; Toy Figures; Toy Soldiers; Twenty Years After;
Bearing in mind that the Crescent's were 'small' 54mm when we measured them a while ago, it's still fair to say the Musketeers are a 'large' 54mm, heading toward 60mm in this chaps case, with that flouncy hat-brim! Can you believe the real musketeers were 400-odd years ago? It flies-by so quick . . . anyway, that's them, box ticked!
Now identified by Brain Carrick as Rene Fisher (RF), not Guilbert, But I have picked-up a couple of Guilbert by accident, along with two more lots of these and a pair of Ludorev, so there'll be a 'corrections and clarifications' post in due course! 


  1. For the third picture down:

    “You are very amiable, no doubt, but you would be charming if you would only depart.”

    ― Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers

  2. Now identified by Brain Carrick as Rene Fisher (RF), not Guilbert, But I have picked-up a couple of Guilbert by accident, along with two more lots of these and a pair of Ludorev, so there'll be a 'corrections and clarifications' post in due course!



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