
Friday, April 21, 2023

Y is for Yucky!

On a couple of levels by the time you've read it, but these things happen! I saw these in The Works the other day and they were cheap . . . 'So you don't have to'! But it's a fun thing which I vaguely remember from my childhood, so not a new design, and commonly known as water-filled snakes.

There were only three left and the other two had four and five Dino's respectively, so I grabbed the one with eight! The first yucky thing is just that they are rather yucky-feeling, the second yucky thing is that Reddit was explaining the other day some men like to place their, ahem . . . 'gentleman' in the inner void and . . . err . . . experiment vigorously.
Now I can't imagine quite how the mechanics of all that work, as I managed to drop it about four times before I got it to the till, barely got it into the house, and dropped it on the kitchen floor several more times, before I stabbed it with my steely-knife! It literally leaps out of your hand, and gripping it more tightly only accelerates it away! But, Reddit said . . . !
Now I'd presume there's some chemicals in there, to stop rot/algae/discolouring &etc, but it didn't smell of bleach, so presumably something safe (kids, toys); surgical alcohol or home-brew cleaner/finning gel? Lucky for the onanists, I think, as accidents will happen! Ewue!
But, to the contents; I suspect these are the same sculpts/tools as those micro-erasers we looked at from several brands, both sides of the pond, with Brian Berke's help, a year or two ago, but in this case they are a shiny silicon-rubber, rather than the crumbly, eraser-rubber of the previous examples, but they are in storage with everything else at the moment, so I can't check fully.

Scaled with my thumb and a 'gape-mouth Chinasaur', you can see they are very small, but as hinted at above, probably the same size as the erasers, and within the eight I had four poses and four colours, there will likely be more, as we found more among the pencil rubbers?

And I bet you weren't expecting any of that on a Friday afternoon!

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