
Sunday, July 23, 2023

C is for Crescent Ceremonials . . . . NOT!

This post was going to have twice as many images and be a T is for Two.... post, but half the post (Trojan Lifeguards) just appeared in Plastic Warrior magazine, so you've either seen them recently, or you need to subscribe! Consequently, it's just a little box-ticker on some nice Hong Kong copies, and by "nice" I mean old'ish and unusual, not high-quality originals!
I may have one of these in the pile, but I'd never considered his existence until the recent PW Show (in May), when I spotted one on Adrian's stall and said "Ooh, I'll have that, that's different", and Adrian said "There a few more there", pointing to the other end of the table, but there was only one, someone else had swooped first! At which point Chris Smith who was standing chatting behind the stall said "Yeah, they're Crescent copies, I have a few".
We saw both my grabs in the show-report post (en guard and drummer), but these are Chris's, and you can see they cloned the band (so technically Kellogg's copies too!), the fighting 54mm's and the 60mm set. Presumably all of them were copied, of which these are known. The base marks, probably release-pin marks from the forming process, are very similar to one generation of the Britains Herald ACW copies, so may very well be the same source/manufacturer?

Many thanks to Chris for the images, and Trojan another time!

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