
Thursday, January 18, 2024

A is for Apparently . . . .

 . . . it's national thesaurus day, somewhere!


"I successfully predict that upon which you cogitate; did I empty the ammunition storage chambers, or only partially expend their contents? And - should you wish to be appraised of the facts - in all the preceding, heated kerfuffle, I appear to have purely failed to register that data? Therefore, the quandary with which you have to present yourself, is thusly - Do you feel blessed with good fortune, juvenile delinquent? Verily, comment upon that?"

"The pinnacle of the planetary sphere, mother, the pinnacle of the planetary sphere!"

 "The advancing object is in no way a Luna body!" . . . "It's a moment of captive deceit!"

"It's a form of existence, Jim, but in a manner we would not comprehend it as, in the normal course of events."  

"May the measure of nonequilibrium accompany you, adolescent Skywalker!" 


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