
Saturday, May 11, 2024

C is for China Shite!

Currently doing the round of 'Flash Mob' listing on Amazon and evilBay, is this set of spacey bits from China, I always feel guilty getting this stuff, as it's sending hard cash to 'The Enemy', or one of them! But while it's always listed as 'China' as the location, it seems to be posted from Birmingham, so it's already here?
You get a very Chinese looking launch-rocket (Long March CZ-2F?), a set of main-tank and booster rockets from a Shuttle, a satellite, two dodgy fighters and a couple of NASA style astronauts, all in a sealed bag, which may be available elsewhere (gift shops etc.) as a branded or generic with header card, but as an online cheapie, it comes with no card.
The rocket. It's a two-part clip-together, with four small boosters that slot into the side-quarters, all held together with the red plastic engine-piece, and it's tampo-printed, quite accurately marked up as the real-life originals, unlike most rack-toy NASA stuff, which, back in the day, tended to get random black & white checked strips and large 'USA' or Stars & Stripes flag stickers!

Similar process with the shuttle main tank and boosters, while the fighter jets (chase planes?) and astronauts (40mm) are simple relief-sculpts with hollow-backs, the aeroplanes being (like most Chines stuff) copies of other peoples 'planes, and the astronauts, generic, but maybe more NASA than Chinese with the fuller helmets and chest equipment?

I think the satellite is a mash-up of several elements of real ones with a recognisable Soyuz spacecraft layout, elements of GPS and current military designs but rather fictional lateral solar-cell arrays?

The size of a satellite depends entirely on what planet you are from!

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