
Thursday, August 22, 2024

A is for Another One

Coming so soon after the recent expanding of the envelope with a B17 Flying Fortress (erroneously described as a B29 at the time), in part in answer to Collectors Gazette's apparent attempt to prĂ©cis this Blog's work on the range over the years, comes an actual B29 Super Fortress!

Not exactly a rack-toy (yes, this August has been a bit of a wash-out on the RTM front), but I bet it was cheaper than a bag of chips back in the day! Another believed to be Zang for Timpo/Model Toys composition (Timpolin) aircraft model to add to the previous post's listing;
  • Boeing B17 Flying Fortress
  • Boeing B29 Super Fortress
  • De Havilland Mosquito
  • Gloster Whittle
  • Hawker Hurricane (or Supermarine Spitfire?)
  • Horsa Glider 
  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning
Alphabetical this time, and new to blog, Internet and hobby, I think, what will turn-up next?


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