
Sunday, August 4, 2024

I is for I Think I'm Back . . . But for How Long?

So . . . the light finally expanded to fill the view, as I escaped the tunnel, but there is the small matter of another tunnel ahead, the find-buy-move tunnel, which I'm sort of ignoring for a few weeks because I just need a breather! Having Asperger's, I find it all very stressful, it's too complicated and multilayered to compartmentalise in the way autistic's need things to be, we like logical steps, not multiple layers of chaos!

And it's funny, because while I sort of think, or like to think I'm going to blog it all one day as a warning/guide to others, the fact seems clear that, A) everyone's been here, and B) having escaped/moved on, there is a tendency to never revisit it all, so it remains a mystery that each person has to experience anew!

Plenty of people will - after the event - come out with "I could have told you that", or . . .

"That happened to me/us"

"HMRC always do that"

"Watch the agents, they all prioritise the buyer"

"Where there's a will, there's a relative"

. . . and a hundred other epithets, but . . . nobody comes to you at the start and warns you about any of it! I don't think I've properly grieved for my late Mother, I haven't had time, nor for Boysey-Boy, who died last October, or even his mother who started the miserable sequence in the autumn of 2020, so a stable situation which had existed for about ten-years has left me in a dodgy bedsit, after two expensive weeks in a Holiday Inn, with three container storage units, girding my loins for house-hunting, something I've never done and don't know where to start with!

In the meantime, the local foxes have decided to use my car as their new lookout . . . oh Christ! What have they done to the image-upload system? You take three weeks off and everything changes . . .

And this was after a dry night, last week, so god knows where it/they got all that muck on their feet, but one feels a marker was put down, so I haven't cleaned it!
Also, we are obviously in Rack Toy Month, for which I haven't got much lined-up, and while there is the stuff carried-over from previous years, I will probably find the same procrastinatory reasons to carry them over again! Moreover, I have all the Chris Smith donation stuff, Plastic Warrior show stuff and some stuff from Peter Evans to post, so I'll just dive in with a mix of articles. Brian Berke has also sent some nice things to the Blog, and new names from the readership have sent 'follow-up' material (Christmas cracker rings, Monogram Pocket Force and home-casting moulds), so there's plenty in the near-ready queue!

And many thanks to Adrian, Gisby, Tim and Jan for showing concern over the last few months, and Paul and John for favours; you find out who your friends are when you're going through the mill, and they certainly aren't on fucking Moonbase! Hay-ho, still; 'sincerest form of flattery' and all that, and I'm not the only blog who seems to be providing them with ideas! While a hatchet was buried on the 18th May!

So, watch this space again, I'll try to post something later tonight, but I have to go and move plant-pots now . . . still a few loose-ends!


  1. Glad you're back Hugh, you've been missed. All the best.

  2. Yes, glad you are back. Thanks for the updates.

  3. HI Hugh Very happy to see you back sorry for your misfortune. I always used to say smile things could be worse and then thats what happened it got worse. All the best and good luck.

  4. Thanks guys! I just muddle through under the try everything once rule! And while my life has had more than its fair share of crap and - often - self-attracted negativity, it's true that the people who run the world are just as awful to neurotypicals as they are to fuckwits like me.

    And while the late-40's diagnosis helped explain me, it doesn't help with the day-to-day . . . Although when HMRC charge you £40k interest on money you haven't got yet, and then charge VAT on the house-sale to get the money they are loading with interest, you do wonder why we are all putting-up with this crap, especially when that money is then given to Tory sponsors, for PPE with proves unusable, and then gets written-off by the PM who was the chancellor!! AND, they are not commensurately taxing the very rich!




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