
Monday, September 9, 2024

L is for Late Show Report - Ancient & Medieval

Or, at least, that's the usual denominator when sorting show plunder, there's no real Ancients in this lot, so we're looking at the dark ages, the 100-Years War and the field of the cloth of gold!
Replicants 'new for the show' was this little doozy, and a very useful item, being suitable without driver for a period from around 4000BC until now, in some parts of the world! With the driver we're nicely covered from, what, 1400 to the Wild West?

You get a wagon with removable sides, a slightly put-upon horse and a chap who can look like he's struggling with the horse/load, or up to no good, depending upon how you pose him, he could even be dodging cavalry! Peter Coles' sculpting is another level.
I think this is the third or fourth of these 35'ish mm knights, with one or two from Chris Smith, I think and another from somewhere else, and I'm beginning to suspect Poland, without anything concrete, in their archives, but that's purely going on the thick base? And they are softer polyethylene than the output of PZG or it's rivals, with their nylons!
Another look at the new ex-Cody March figures from Michael Mordant-Smith, and these are the ones that are 'ready to go', or were, back in May, he's probably cleaned-up a few more now, but compare with the shots in the Introduction post (1st of this month), and you can see how many still need/ed a bit of work. Because these are producible, Michael produced a few, and they were gifted to friends at the show.
A bunch of HK/China types, these were in one of the donation bags and will have to be compared with all the others, they look to be a new shade of grey, so I'll probably hang to a few!
A poor shot, but I can't retake it, right now! I've bought a few mixed lots of these Cherilea knights, more pop-together than full-on 'swoppet', in various states, and am slowly building a decent sample, but it is shield-light, so these two will prove useful in making-up a complete figure. There's also a spare belt, and I may use one of these bodies, as a first example?
Finally, Peter also had these available at the show, last year's peasant musician and this year's Wagoner, but in Robin Hood green, so Alan a'Dale and a whip-handed merry man?!!

Many thanks again to Adrian Little, Barney Brown, Brian Carrick, Chris Smith, Michael Mordant-Smith, Paul Stadinger, Peter Evans and Trevor Rudkin, for contributions to this year's plunder-pile.


  1. I do own a few Replicants myself. They are neat miniatures.

    1. He's a very expressive sculptor Jan, and a thoroughly nice chap, hasn't got a bad bone in his body!



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