
Thursday, September 19, 2024

P is for Poirate Poirates!

Ahaaaaaa, me'arties! It be that toime o'year again, and Oi be darn forgot this mornin' when Oi be spending a while doin' another post altogether! Oi guess Oi'l be holdin' back the post which har' already bin' held-back o're several years, but if Oi 'ave toime tonight, will be gettin' us a couple o'posts out, well, this'un 'ere, and the usual round-up o'poiratey stuff laters!
From the header card, we can see these are by the same people who are behind the knights which are everywhere on feeBay and Amazon these days, and which we saw here a while ago, which may mean different sets with different contents will turn up, but this was the only one I found, with twenty figures, a timber 'brig' and some piratey accessories.
They are in fact double pirates, because as well as being pirates, they are copies of the 2015 Blue Box pirates, and pretty poor pirates at that with the lady pirate reduced to a more androgyne character, with a flatter chest!

The pirates are balanced with the same five skeleton pirates as the Blue Box set, and there's not much to add; five of each colour in each group for the twenty-figure count, and slightly under scale, compatible with the equally sub-copied Toy Major ones.
Accessories; a pair each of camp-fires and barrels, open at one end, and two sizes of treasure chest, both with a removable insert, the smaller looking like it's filled with chocolate covered cookies from US army rations! A couple of very useful cheval de frise barricades are also included.

There's also a four - identical - part timber stockade/cage, where miscreant pirates can be left to do their chockey! The Blue Box sets had a rather daft cube, so this is actually more realistic, if rather easier to climb out of! That's it, just a quicky, current rack toy, out there now, and very useful if you missed-out on the briefly available Blue Box original.


  1. Ah! Brig as in gaol. Being pirates. I was looking for a ship.

    1. You may have uncovered the etymology there, mate, were Brigs commonly used as prison hulks?



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