
Friday, September 29, 2017

News, Views Etc . . . Books

There's so much in September's 'News, Views' folder I've broken it down into three posts which I'll break-up with other stuff in-between. Today; news on books which are out, about or on-line.

FIM 3 Online
Starting with the on-line work, it has been decided by the authors (Robert Newson, Peter Wade-Martins and Adrian Little) that the third volume of Farming in Miniature (FIM) will be an on-line, real-time upgradable resource, allowing them to add new farm vehicle toys as they become known, this means that despite the two paper works containing some pretty rare, unusual or previously unknown toys; the website will likely carry even rarer stuff!

Lindholm Forres Books
News of two new titles from this brand-new publisher, a general history of collecting by Michael Driver and Mike Richardson (who with his wife Sue wrote the definitive work on die-cast aeroplanes) and Mr. Driver's solo work on Jaguar toys in all scales and materials have been published so far. Having seen neither I can't comment further but full details are to be found here;

Tel: 0207 243 2149
Web: (due to 403 Forbidden's I can't link to the actual new books page?)

Britains Racing Colours
Limited numbers of Peter Kirk's work on the 'Racing Colours of Famous Owners' range of large scale figurines by Britains are available from Mercator Trading if you missed them first time round, details from Adrian through his website, the self-published pamphlet contains the colours for 235 known models, with spare graphics for new discoveries to be added at the back.

Amberley Publishing . . .
 . . . have two new titles out, one on Dolls Houses by Moi Ali (which I will wait-for, to be remaindered, not because there's anything wrong with it, but just because I only buy dolls books when they are cheap, as they are a far branch of the hobby for me!) and a far more interesting one for figure collectors by Matt McNabb; on the toys tied-in to the Ghostbusters franchise - with a forward by no less a personage than Dan Aykroyd himself - which I intend to track down.

Tel: 01453 847 800

Finally, there is a new book out featuring the 'Evil Empire' (see forthcoming 'News, Views'), from the son of Ron Good (Goodsoldiers) which I hope to obtain in November, so we'll return to it then, I had a brief look the other day and it seems to be a fun guide/introduction to Lego.

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