
Friday, October 27, 2017

Countdown to Halloween - 4 - Back to Poundland - Meethes-to-peethes!

Poundland also got a late or second-tranche stock of additional Halloween stuff, mostly more crappy costumes, cobwebs, pumpkin-carving tool-sets (really?), face paint and all that malarkey, along with these glow-in the dark rodents . . . one assumes rats ('Halloween' n'all) but actually they make better mice in size and shape; I reckon!

In the bag and kept in the dark overnight they present as clear-plastic toy mice, pretty innocuous really? We have the same hyperbole on the packaging, no terror was experienced in this household, they aren't "Frighteningly Real" and they are made of a soft PVC; not " . . . from the dead"!

Activating the pesky critters with a pen torch, one at a time! As he/she 'heats-up', radiated light starts to activate the near neighbours; the funny thing is that photographing them wasn't easy, as what I could see, the camera couldn't - in the same light - while flash just glared them out. I had to switch the lights off and support the camera for a long-exposure, which the camera luckily does automatically.

The same exercise; but as a 'before-&-after' with a couple of the models and longer exposure to bright light (I held them up to a 100-watt bulb!), these will stay as part of the collection, but only the two, the rest go off to charity in mixed-bags.

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