
Saturday, October 28, 2017

M is for Mezquita

Apparently Mezquita are a minor make in Spain, I've only seen a couple of sets from them on feebleBay over the years, along with this set and some mention of small scale Pegaso Baraja lorries sold on similar blister cards - on one of the 1:87th scale websites - the sort of Kiosko priced just above Sobres?

This one contains a copy of a French wagon (with yet another source of Bergan/Beton-copy horse!), a Spanish-made Indian sculpt-copy in another scale and a boat more like those you find carved in wood, in Germany! Other sets have Comansi copies in the style of Montaplex.

It's a pocket-money, knock-off, rack-toy isn't it . . . if you are a six or seven-year old from Catalonia who's parents jump every time there's a knock on the door in case it's Franco's thugs or some Catholic church-funded goons come to 're-educate' them, this Mezquita set would be a cheap, fun way of taking your mind off life in a fascist dictatorship for a few hours!

There's only so many ways to photograph a sealed set in a hurry, and the first shot is it! I didn't think to take angle-shots at the time and while I can't remember where I shot it - it was a while ago!

The 'G' seems to have no significance beyond Mezquita stock/production coding of some kind; other sets having 'JP' in the same panel? The price is written in the German style with a long-headed figure-one, maybe an export to East Germany, we know the [Fascist] Spanish of the time had no ethical problems dealing with [the Communists in] Cuba?

The smudge (hidden by flash-reflection in the above-published shot) may be an artist's moniker . . . Ike, Ice, Iko, Ico or even 'Ibo'?

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