
Monday, January 22, 2018

Stadswatch - Chiding TJF - Apparently!

Of course I've been chiding him, ever since he thought it was advisable to correct me on two figures I said I was 100% sure I wasn't sure about, he's been getting things wrong and I've been correcting him!
His latest is to suggest that Bum re-issued Pech GI's; they didn't. Full stop.
They re-issued Montaplex copies of Pech, copies which ran alongside the Pech y Hermanos originals back in the day, as French bazar figures ran alongside their Starlux donors, as Blue Box/Redbox animals ran alongside their Britains and Elastolin prototypes. It's amazing how often Stadinger gets it wrong! Bum inherited Montaplex moulds not Pech moulds - we looked at them here Montaplex pirated everyone, Airfix, Matchbox, Atlantic, Quiralux . . .
. . . however, today we're looking at the Jabbering Fuck's recent twin-whines that I was 'chiding him' the other day, and the details of it . . .
This appeared first, boy he must have some long days if that's the amusing highlight!
Followed a few days later by this.
Now the laugh of the week (a-million-and-one sad laughs - the extra laugh is all important when you're engaged in this level of schoolyard language) is that Paul 'the Jabbering Fuck' Stadinger's laugh of the day is entirely of his own invention and only in his own head.
We know this for several reasons,
  • 1) It doesn't really make sense as he's written it - in either version (and I mean general sense, they are both only semi-literate)
  • 2) He provides no link, quote or screen-cap by way of proof or evidence
  • 3) I am happy to admit to any/all my chastising of the old fool, so would only deny doing-so if I was pretty sure I hadn't, and in this case; I 'aint!
You see, while I have fully intended to attack him for his egotistical ways, I know I haven't had the time yet (now he's accused me of doing-so - I'm just about to!), and even if I'd got round to it, I wouldn't equate it to his showing his collection, because another criticism of him I have (and have hinted at once, or twice) is that he doesn't actually show his collection at all!
In other words my criticism of him is (and has always been) the opposite of what he's claimed twice in a week I actually said.
Because it's in his head! He's made it up, it's false. He was sat in the bath (or something) imagining what I might have said, OR might be about to say about him and he seems to have convinced himself it had actually happened? OR he's getting confused by something else, possibly said by someone else (we've established in the last 12 months he's fallen-out a fair-few people over the years and he hints at falling out with another in his FAQ's)? OR he was just lying for the cause of dramatic effect? How he came up with it is immaterial, it's bullshit and bollocks!
However, he said I chided him for being egotistical . . . well . . .
. . . I challenge anyone in the wider hobby still alive today, to find a more egotistical comment made by anyone in the hobby since its inception in the 1900's!
He thinks, he dares, he declares himself to have (or be?) a legend! Or a piece of one . . . or one in pieces! It really is TOO funny!
I shit you not! Like the ancient Mesopotamians! The Greeks, mighty Rome, the Carolingians, the Norse, El Dorado, the Wild West, the Marie Celeste, the Zulu's at Isandlawana or the US Marines at Iwo Jima . . . he has a legend! That man . . . the Jabbering Fuck . . . is the most egotistical fucker on the fucking internet . . . after his fucking President!
"One of the pieces of my legend"!!!! How many pieces are in the fucking legend! Ten? Fifty-six? Two-hundred-&-thirty-eight? Are some of the pieces in pieces? Hahahahahahahahaha! This is the joke of the day, this is the joke of the fucking month!!!! I'm cryin'here!
So - no I hadn't attacked him for his ego, but now he's raised it, I'm happy to do so - Paul 'the Jabbering Fuck' Stadinger of Stad's Stuff is the most egotistical person I know in the hobby, by a country-mile, and then some.
As to his other point, I would never have admonished him for showing his collection, as I show mine and all bloggers show theirs, it's such a stupid lie to try getting away with? I know a few of the PSTSM'ers have gone along with both his recent comments, but then; clearly, they are as stupid as their mighty 'Legend' Hahahahhahahahahaha!
One said 'keep doing what you're doing', well, yes I can agree with that; keep giving me sticks to beat you with and I'll keep thwacking yo'ass! Keep trying to be Small Scale World (badly) and you'll be no threat to me! Keep putting typo's (surpises - priceless!) in your title bar and Google will keep ignoring you! Keep-up with the lies, the idiocy, the competitive bollocks, the invented quotes and see what happens to [the pieces of] your legend!
What I have hinted at is that while - if he wanted to - he could show his collection, and (going only from what other people say) could blow me and all other blogger's away with the quality stuff he's supposed to have ferreted away . . . he doesn't, he shows crappy little scrapings of inconsequential stuff he's shoving on feebleBay! Presumably in the hope that by showing it on his blog first, it may get bid-up . . . by the desperate!
I don't know and I don't care, what I do know is that in the last year, there were two posts on Stad's worth a second look, one with the 2 Speedwell armoured cars (from his collection) only useful for the image, the other was the autumn post on Marx swappable figures, which seems to have been the work of three other people (?) and was very interesting and added to the hobby's 'sum total of knowledge'. Other than that, nothing leapt out . . . nothing!
Now; to be fair; I post a lot of shite too, I post a lot of crap, page-filling, box-ticking shite, but I don't pretend it's anything other than what it is (mass-produced polymer shite) and I hope that amongst it, last year, I published more than two useful posts!
And - I promise I'll never declare myself a legend!
Or even; a piece of one! Hahahahahahahahahahahah! Fuck! You can't make this shit up, TJF can, Erwin can, but normal people . . . no!

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