
Friday, June 29, 2018

P is for Perfect Parcel!

Chris Smith was a sneaky-beaky! He had arranged to send me some Tatra / Nabisco / Kellogg's / Peak Freans / All-points-West toy soldier premium swaps he had along with a handful of Vitacup premiums . . . but sent a huge pile of stuff! And while Small Scale World needs constant feeding with piles of stuff, it was a very kind gesture.

And - with similar donations from 'Sandown' Jim and Mr. Burke in recent years a humbling thing for which my gratitude never seems to do justice to the act? Thank you Chris, and thank you Brian and Jim.

Mixed Plastic and Other Vintage and Modern Toy Soldier Model Figure and Other Accessories Tatra Dime Store Dreams Vitacup Animals Warriors Of The World Biscuit Premiums Jeep
Mostly the bits I was expecting to receive, with a couple of the larger pieces from the other parts of the parcel. I will have a big sort-out of all the Tatra when the rest come out of storage and do a more definitive article with everything that's come out since the first, rambling and increasingly inaccurate post.

The two tanks are upside-down for a reason - their own post! They're so cool folks, so very, very cool, they're cooley-cool - I say so!

The motorbike is an odd one; it appears to be an unmarked, yet reasonably accurate copy of the Britains Harley Davidson [coming to a dealership near you, from somewhere other than Milwaukie soon!] Police Sherriff Electra-Glide (?), with a soft vinyl copy of the CHiP's-like rider, but with a polystyrene head and plug-on German helmet?

I say 'appears' as I don't have the original to compare with, but I'm pretty sure they were marked Britains on both the engine underside and the tyres, this in totally unmarked, and while the Britains one was maybe a half-dozen parts (less wheels) this would be only three with the missing seat.

Zee, Play-Me? Someone like that! And I will look out for a cheap Britains one so I can compare them in a future post. We'll see him again before that in a M/C roundup already in the queue.

Equally interesting is the cart, which I think has the Blue Box hay-box on it, but the frame is a heavy, crude silver plastic - almost early British (Taylor or Barratt?) in style - and small wheels which may not be right, but fit? We'll definitely return to it one day when we look at them all together . . . it's the same silver as some Trojan Wild West?

Bersaglieri WWI, Camp Fire, Cat In A Box, Cat On The Internet, Cats, Conan The Barbarian, Corgi Accessories, Corgi Figures, Dimestore Dreams, Dinky Toys, Fantasy Figures, Fantasy Models, Farm and Zoo, Farm Toys, Farming Figures & Animals, Feline Pair; Flash Gordon, Flat Figures, He-Man, Italian Bersaglieri, Kellogg's Premiums, Kittens, Masters Of The Universe, Matchbox 1-75, Matchbox Toys, Mixed Lot, Mixed Toy Soldiers, Model Kits, MOTU, Nabisco Premiums, Novelty Figurines, Novelty Key Ring, Novelty Toy, Peak Freans Premiums, Pigs, Plastic Figure, Plastic Figurine, Plastic Figurines, Plastic Model Kit, Plastic Novelty, Plastic Toy Figures, Plastic Toy Soldiers, Plastic Toys, Soldiers Of The World, Swine Toy, Timpo Cats, Timpo Kittens, Toy Pigs, Vitacup Premiums, WWI British Soldier, WWI Russian Soldier, WWI Toy Soldiers,
And then there was all this which Chris never mentioned! We're about to look at some of the highlights below, but what can you spot . . . there's Waddington's, Dinky-Corgi-Matchbox-Spot-on accessories, Supreme, Airfix, Blue Box, Britains Mini-Box, Gem, Miguel Torres and  various premiums for a start!

Does anyone know the origin of the black duck - or goose? I have him in red (and white now I think?) and may have a chicken in the same style, but no other animals, so I wonder if they are from a board game? They are a bit like the American Judy Toys geese (the Judy duck is smaller) on Kent Sprecher's website, but not quite the same.

The two statuettes appear at first glance to be 'T-in-a-Circle, but it's actually a T in a C - I think, and Japanese not HK? They will join a Santon follow-up from Brian B which has been on hold since January!

Which reminds me - I put a plaster civilian away without photographing it the other day, that'll go with them, too! And it's not actually a 'Santon' follow-up because they're mostly Italian - doh!

Mixed Plastic and Other Vintage and Modern Toy Soldier Model Figure and Other Accessories Italian Bersaglieri Flats WWI Doughboys
This is lovely, I can't decide if it's a US WWI Doughboy, with large-pack/marching-order, or an Italian Bersaglieri with plume and that sort of felt bowler-hat they had back then, I favour the latter and to be honest - while it matters for the origin of the flat - it wouldn't matter for painting-up, as it will make either; most convincingly.

I wonder if he has avoided the addition of a clip-pin of some kind and is actually supposed to be a badge? If he wasn't so clearly 'non-German' (from either war) you'd suspect a Wintershilfswerk piece, especially as he is in the same kind of polystyrene.

Now known -

Mixed Plastic and Other Vintage and Modern Toy Soldier Model Figure and Other Accessories Fantasy Warrior Conan Flash Gordon He-Man Camp Fire
I've collaged these two together, as I suspect they go together? But they might not, both have similar paint and both are hard polystyrene kit plastic, but the fire has no 'scale' so it's hard to judge. The figure is about 40mm and a single piece (no 'kit' construction) and the painting suggests a factory job. He's silver plastic; the fire's a black polymer.

If they are both home-painted you'd go with Aurora or similar monster kits; Revell issued some under their Monogram moniker back in the 1990's? But if they are factory painted . . . well . . . Flash (the remake), Conan . . . He-man? And what; a play-set of some kind - anyone know?

He looks a bit like the 'Barbarian' from the Tomy-Pressman et al catapult games!

Mixed Plastic and Other Vintage and Modern Toy Soldier Model Figure and Other Accessories Salvation Army British Russian WWI II Flat
Another flat, 35/40mm soft polyethylene and very-much in the style of the Manurba animal flats, did the zoo have a band? He looks to be Sally-Army or WWI British  . . . or even Russian? Lovely thing to get in the post, without warning!

Mixed Plastic and Other Vintage and Modern Toy Soldier Model Figure and Other Accessories Timpo Cat In PVC Vinyl Rubber Factory Painted Toyway Doll's House Accessory Farm
This was initially put in the bag with the other five cats which have come in over recent weeks (two others in Chris' swag-bag, one from a charity shop bag, one from Sandown!) for a future round-up on the back of a set which also came-in, as I thought to myself "Ah, French-issued vinyl from Macau! Poly-someone?" but it looked familiar, so I got the jewellers loupe on it to find "Made in England", I then spent an hour or so thinking it was Timpo, and wondering who made Timpo in PVC/vinyl?

Thinking I was being silly, I decided it must be the Taylor and/or Barrett one, probably made for Barton's dolls houses or something/someone like that? Only . . . double checking with the dongle 'archive', it's not T or B, it IS the Timpo one? Code 1090 (?), I guess the doll's house accessory bit stands, but who produced off the Timpo tools in PVC, could it be a Toyway thing?

Of course it could be a Macau piece, pantographed so well the remains of the lettering have been carried across, but it's a bit soft for the maker I'm thinking of, I have one of the Poly-whatsit Romans (from Peter Evans) and he's much stiffer? They don't appear to be 'rare', this chap seems to have a shop-stock of them! But the first time I've seen one?
It's lovely!

Mixed Plastic and Other Vintage and Modern Toy Soldier Model Figure and Other Accessories Small Pig With Short Legs Possible Board Game Piece
This is also lovely; I'm calling him 'Stumpy'! But they are not broken-off, those are his factory designed, factory injected, intact, itty-bitty, little legs! Anyone recognise him?

He is most like the hard plastic ones from Tudor Rose, but not the same, he's not Gem either, as far as I can tell and my guess is a farm-vehicle's stock/load from the world of die-casts, or a board game, he's clearly designed not to fall over easily, a board-game could be the answer?

Is there a swineherd version of the shepherd game we've looked at here?!!!!

Mixed Plastic and Other Vintage and Modern Toy Soldier Model Figure and Other Accessories Cat In A Box On The Internet
My assistant decided to take her 'statutory' rest-period in the packaging! No fiishy-fiish for you madam; you're slacking - again!

What do you call a fish with three eyes?


What do you call a fish with no eyes?


Chris - Thank you again, the rest will filter through into, or enhance posts for months and years to come!


  1. Dear Blogger nothing is more annoying than incorrect captions on photos so can you please correct your caption. I realize that any fool can see it should read my assistant fainted caused by over work and hunger. But some might think my assistant deep in thought Is it a Taylor and/or Barrett one, probably made for Barton's dolls houses or something/someone like that? But no is it the Timpo one? Code 1090 (?), or it may be a Toyway thing? And please remember as you deride your faithful hard working feline assistant every Cat has its day.

  2. Partisan comments will result in ten other comments being taken out and shot!



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