
Thursday, September 19, 2019

ITLAPD is for It's Time Lost - Away Pirate Dudes!

Small but perfectly formed! keeping the best for last!

All over for another year; I must say I had worried the stuff in the 'For ITLAPD 2019' folder wouldn’t amount to much, but in the end I think it betters last year for post numbers, if not figure quality, but that's a metter of opinion and there is some nice stuff this year, with plenty to dig into if you have a quiet moment over the weekend!

1:87th Scale; Box HO-2024 - Pirates #1; Box HO-2025 - Pirates #2; HO - OO Figures; HO - OO-Gauge; HO Scale Figures; HO-Gauge; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Merten; Merten Box HO-2024; Merten Box HO-2025; Merten Navy; Merten Pirates; Merten Pirates #1; Merten Pirates #2; Merten Sailors; Pirate Day; Pirates #1; Pirates #2; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Vintage Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures;
Closing with Merten's diminutive pirates, these chaps are 18mm/HO-gauge compatible, and are taken from the sets;

Box HO-2024 - Pirates #1
Box HO-2025 - Pirates #2

Although I'm missing one! I've arranged them as ship's deck crew (swabs?) above and ship's rigging crew (aloft) below, but the two sets contained 3 & 3, so you could crew a model kit of the appropriate size with only one set. If the AWOL scabrous-rotter ever turns up, I'll do them again in their sets!

And many thanks to Peter Evans who's contributions have been heavily leaned-on this year, to Chris Smith, Brian Berke and Jim who have all sent stuff which helped or got a mention and thanks to whoever keeps taking this stuff to Charity Shops!

It be only twelve month'odd 'till Internationaaaal Talk Loik a Poirate Day be rownd again, me'harrties, whatch thaat horrrizon furr thur soin o'thurr craaah'ssed-bones. . . Aahhaaaarrrr!

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